Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868

83 Accounts to be kept.U.K.

The Guardians shall cause proper Accounts to be kept of all their Receipts, Payments, and Liabilities, and Income and Profits, under this Act, and such Accounts shall be kept in such Form as the Auditors shall from Time to Time prescribe, and shall give among other Matters the following Particulars; namely,

The Amounts received for proving Barrels, and for Dividends and other Income from Investments, and for the Use of the Rifle Ground; the Payments for Salaries of Proof Master and Wardens, and of the Officers and Servants of the Guardians, and for the Cost of Materials for Proof, and for the Cost of Repairs of Buildings and Working Stock, and for Counting-house Expenses, and for Superannuations and Gratuities to Officers, Workmen, Servants, and others; the Amount of the Reserve Fund; and the Amount invested on Securities and deposited in the Bank.