Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868

127 Exemption from Penalty where original Offender made known to Companies.U.K.

Provided always, that if any Person, having sold or exchanged, or pawned or pledged, or attempted to sell or exchange, or pawn or pledge, or taken in Pawn or Pledge, or exposed or kept for Sale or Exchange, or exported or kept for Exportation from [F1the United Kingdom], or imported into [F1the United Kingdom], or attempted to export or import from or into [F1the United Kingdom], or had in his Possession, any Barrel having thereupon any Mark of any such forged or counterfeit Stamp or Part of a Stamp, or having thereupon any such forged or counterfeit Mark or Imitation of a Mark, or having thereupon any Mark or Imitation of a Mark so transposed or removed, joined or affixed, shall, within Three Days after Notice thereof given by either of the Two Companies to him or left for him at his usual or then last Place of Abode or Business in [F1the United Kingdom], discover and make known to them the Name and Place of Abode of the Maker of such Barrel, or of the Manufacturer or Dealer from whom such Person bought, had, or received the same, then every such Person so making such Discovery shall be exempted and discharged from the PunishmentF2... incurred by him by reason of his having so sold or exchanged, or pawned or pledged, or attempted to sell or exchange, or pawn or pledge, or exposed or kept for Sale or Exchange, or exported or kept for Exportation, or imported or attempted to export or import, or had in his Possession, such Barrel; nevertheless this Provision shall not exempt any Person from the legal Consequences of having parted with or of having had in his Possession any such Barrel, knowing the same to be marked with the forged or counterfeit Stamp, or knowing the Mark thereon to be forged, counterfeit, imitated, marked, transposed or removed, joined or affixed, if such Knowledge be in any Proceeding against him for any such Offence duly proved.

Textual Amendments