Derbyshire Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act 1852

Summons on Interpleader.U.K.

In the Small Barmote Court for the Soke and Wapentake of Wirksworth [orLiberty of ].




WhereasE.F. of hath made a Claim to certain Mineral Property which has been seized and taken in execution under and by virtue of Process issuing out of this Court in this Action: You are therefore hereby summoned and required to be and appear before the Steward of the said Court at on the Day of at the Hour of when the said Claim will be adjudicated upon, and such Order made thereupon as to the Steward shall seem fit.

Given under the Seal of the Court, this Day of in the Year 185 .

By the Court,


Note.This Summons is to be served upon the Party claiming the Property seized, and upon the Plaintiff or Defendant in the Action, according as the Execution may have been issued on behalf of Plaintiff or Defendant. If the Execution has been issued to levy a Penalty, this Form must be altered to suit the Circumstances, and the Summons must in that Case be served upon the Party owing the Penalty and the Claimant.