Derbyshire Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act 1852

3U.K.The Barmaster and every Deputy Barmaster shall provide a Dish or Measure for measuring the Ore, to be adjusted as herein-after mentioned, and they shall forfeit a Sum not exceeding Two Pounds every Time they are required to measure Ore at any Mine and are unprovided with such Dish or Measure, such Penalty to be recovered and received for his own Use by the Person who shall have required the Ore to be measured, by an Action in the County Court. The Dishes or Measures for the Wapentake of Wirksworth and Manor of Crich respectively are to be adjusted in the Presence of Two of the Grand Jury, according to the Standard Brazen Dish deposited in the Moot Hall at Wirksworth, and if such Standard Brazen Dish be at any Time hereafter lost or destroyed, or become unfit for Use, then the Dishes or Measures for the said Wapentake and Manor respectively shall be adjusted in like Manner as the Dishes or Measures for the other Manors or Liberties mentioned in this Act; the Dishes or Measures for the said other Manors or Liberties shall be adjusted in the Presence of Two of the Grand Jury, and shall contain Fifteen Pints of Water.