
10Standard conditions

(1)The council may prescribe standard conditions which are to apply to all street trading licences.

(2)Before prescribing such conditions or changing any condition so prescribed, the council shall first give notice in writing to all holders of street trading licences whom the council could reasonably expect would be affected by the proposed conditions or changes to the conditions and to any body which appears to the council to represent such licence holders.

(3)The notice shall—

(a)give details of the proposed conditions or changes to the conditions;

(b)state that representations may be made with regard to the proposal by the date specified in the notice as the due date, which date shall be not less than 28 days after the notice has been given.

(4)As soon as practicable after the due date the council shall consider all representations received by that date and may at their discretion consider representations received after that date.

(5)The council shall give to any person who makes representations by the due date an opportunity to make oral representations to the council and may at their discretion give to other persons making representations a similar opportunity.

(6)The council may prescribe the proposed conditions or changes to conditions with any modifications they consider appropriate as a result of any representations received under this section.

(7)As soon as practicable and in any event no later than 7 days after prescribing such conditions or changes to conditions the council shall by notice in writing inform all the holders of street trading licences to whom previous notice was given under subsection (2) above of the conditions or changes to conditions and the conditions or changes to conditions shall come into force 35 days after the date on which the conditions or changes to conditions were prescribed.