London Local Authorities Act 1996

14Grant of licence

(1)The borough council may grant a licence under this Part of this Act, and in granting a licence may impose reasonable conditions relating to—

(a)the time of commencement of the occasional sale;

(b)the duration of the occasional sale;

(c)the arrangements to be made for accommodating the vehicles of persons attending the occasional sale;

(d)the arrangements to be made for controlling road congestion, litter and noise caused by the occasional sale;

(e)a requirement that the names and addresses of persons selling articles at the occasional sale are publicly displayed.

(2)If the borough council have not refused to grant a licence within 21 days of the receipt by them of an application duly made for a licence under subsection (1) of section 13 (Application for licence) of this Act, they shall be deemed to have granted a licence for an occasional sale in accordance with the details specified in the application.

(3)The borough council shall grant an application for a licence under this Part of this Act unless they consider that the application ought to be refused on one or more of the grounds specified in subsection (4) below.

(4)The borough council may refuse an application on any of the following grounds:—

(a)that inadequate arrangements have been proposed for accommodating the vehicles of persons attending the occasional sale;

(b)that inadequate arrangements have been proposed for controlling road congestion, litter or noise caused by the occasional sale; or

(c)that the applicant has been granted a licence by any borough council for an occasional sale within three years before the date of the application and failed to comply with conditions imposed in relation to that licence.