
SCHEDULEScottish Borders Council (Jim Clark Memorial Rally)

For protection of Post Office

12For the protection of the Post Office the following provisions shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Council, the promoter and the Post Office, apply and have effect:—

(1)Not less than four months before the first of the days proposed by the promoter to be the authorised days in any year for the purposes of this Order, the promoter shall, in order to minimise disruption of rural postal collection and delivery services, consult the Post Office as to the proposed route of the rally, the proposed authorised days and the proposed periods during which roads are to be closed under the powers of this Order.

(2)The Council shall not approve the proposed rally route under section 4 (Arrangements for rally) of this Order unless they are satisfied that the promoter has consulted the Post Office in accordance with paragraph (1) above.

(3)After the authorised days have been determined in accordance with the provisions of this Order the promoter shall give not less than three months' notice to the Post Office of those days.

(4)After the route of the rally and the periods during which any public roads will be closed have been determined in accordance with the provisions of this Order the Council shall give not less than one month’s notice to the Post Office of that route and those periods.