
Queen Mary and Westfield College Act 1995

1995 CHAPTER ix

An Act to unite The Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City of London and The London Hospital Medical College with Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London; to provide for the transfer to Queen Mary and Westfield College of rights, properties, assets and obligations of those other Colleges; and for connected and other purposes.

[8th November 1995]



The People’s Palace Technical Schools were founded in 1887 and became the East London Technical College in 1896:


As East London College the College was admitted as a School of the University of London in 1907 and in 1913 established a governing body distinct from that of the People’s Palace:


The persons constituting the governing body of East London College were incorporated by the name of Queen Mary College by a charter granted by His late Majesty King George the Fifth on 30th November 1934:


Westfield College was founded in 1882 to provide residence and instruction in a Christian context for women students preparing for the examinations of the University of London, and was admitted as a School of the University of London in 1902:


The governors of Westfield College were incorporated by a charter granted by His late Majesty King George the Fifth on 19th July 1933, subsequently amended in 1964 to allow the admission of male students:


A supplemental charter was granted to Westfield College on 15th September 1976, which charter redesignated the governing body as a Council, and which enjoined that the work of the College be carried on in accordance with Christian principles in a spirit of tolerance, freedom of opinion, mutual concern and community service and that facilities be provided for regular Christian worship in accordance with the doctrines of the Church of England:


In 1983 and 1984 a substantial part of the Faculty of Science of Westfield College was transferred to Queen Mary College:


In 1989, by virture of the [1989 c. xiii.] Queen Mary and Westfield College Act 1989, both the said colleges merged and their rights, properties, assets and obligations were transferred to a college which was incorporated by the name of Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London by a charter granted by Her Majesty on 1st September 1989:


The governors of The Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City of London were incorporated by a charter granted by His late Majesty King George the Fifth on 26th July 1921 for the purpose of constituting a Collegiate Corporation with the objects among others of acquiring and taking over property and obligations of the medical officers and lecturers of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and of the governors of that Hospital in connection with the education of students of medicine and the property held in trust for or in connection with the same purposes and of carrying on the work of the medical school of that Hospital:


On 30th March 1949 The London Hospital Medical College (which had hitherto been an unincorporated general medical school of the University of London associated with the Teaching Hospital known as The London Hospital) was incorporated by a scheme pursuant to section 15 of the [1946 c. 81.] National Health Service Act 1946 as a body corporate, with the main objects of taking over and carrying on the former Medical College, continuing the work of medical and dental education and research previously carried on by the former Medical College and promoting research connected with or likely to advance the condition of the sciences and arts of medicine and surgery and other connected sciences and arts:


Both The Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City of London and The London Hospital Medical College are Colleges of the University of London:


It is expedient that The Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City of London and The London Hospital Medical College should be united with Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London and that their rights, properties, assets and obligations should be transferred to that College with the exception of a freehold property in Charterhouse Square, London, which is to be transferred to The Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Trust:


It is expedient that the other provisions contained in this Act should be enacted:


And whereas the purposes of this Act cannot be effected without the authority of Parliament:

May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted, by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same, as follows:—