South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Act 1993


(1)In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions to which meanings are assigned by the Acts wholly or partly incorporated with this Act have the same respective meanings, and—

  • “the Act of 1988” means the [1988 c. xxvii.] South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Act 1988;

  • “the Act of 1989” means the [1989 c. xix.] South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Act 1989;

  • “the authorised works” means the works authorised by this Act;

  • “the City” means the City of Sheffield;

  • “existing” means existing at the commencement of this Act;

  • “the LRT system” means the light rail transit system comprising the railways authorised by the South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Acts 1988 to 1993, including the railways thereby designated as tramways, and all works and conveniences provided in connection with any such railways, as constructed, extended or altered from time to time;

  • “the limits of deviation” means the limits so shown on the deposited plans and, where on any existing route no such limits are shown, the boundaries of the street (including any verge or roadside waste adjoining it);

  • “the railways board” means the British Railways Board;

  • “tramway” means any railway, or any part of a railway, authorised by the South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Acts 1988 to 1993 and thereby designated as a tramway;

and the following expressions have the same meanings as in the Act of 1988:—

  • “enactment”;

  • “the Executive”;

  • “land”;

  • “street”.

(2)Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in this Act to a work identified by the number of the work shall be construed as a reference to the work of that number authorised by this Act.

(3)(a)In this Act, except as mentioned in paragraph (b) below, all distances and lengths stated in any description of works, powers or lands shall be construed as if the words “or thereabouts” were inserted after each such distance and length, and distances between points on a railway shall be taken to be measured along the railway.

(b)This subsection does not apply to the distance stated in section 5 (Power to deviate) of this Act.