Medway Ports Authority Act 1973

18Powers of interrogation, removal and search

(1)Any constable or any responsible officer of the Authority may require any person on or seeking access to the docks or any vessel using the docks to state truly his name and address and the nature and place of his business thereon or his purpose thereon or in seeking access thereto and may require any such person to produce for inspection by such constable or officer any pass or other authority which may have been issued to him by or on behalf of the Authority, and any person who fails to comply with any such requirement shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.

(2)Any constable may remove from the port or from any vessel using the port any disorderly person or any person having no right or lawful purpose thereon and may prevent any such person from having access thereto.

(3)Any officer of Her Majesty's Customs and Excise may detain and search within the port any person or any vehicle, vessel or other property, upon whom or in or about which there is reasonable cause for believing that there may be any uncustomed or prohibited goods.