
Schedule 1Description of the Medway approach area

An area bounded by an imaginary line drawn straight from the London Stone on the east side of Yantlet Creek on a bearing 86 degrees reckoned clockwise from the true north point of the compass until Warden Point in the Isle of Sheppey bears 166 degrees reckoned as aforesaid, thence on a bearing 166 degrees reckoned as aforesaid to the level of high water on the Kent bank of the river Thames, thence in a north-westerly direction along the level of high water to Garrison Point, thence straight across the river Medway on a bearing 305 degrees reckoned as aforesaid to Dolly Bank, and thence in a north-westerly direction along the level of high water to the London Stone hereinbefore described.

Schedule 2Provisions applied to dock roads

Part IProvisions in respect of which certain officers of the Authority do not have the powers of a constable

Sections of Road Traffic Act, 1972—

Section 1 (Causing death by reckless or dangerous driving);

Section 2 (Reckless, and dangerous, driving generally);

Section 3 (Careless, and inconsiderate, driving);

Section 4 (Driving under age);

Section 5 (Driving, or being in charge, when under influence of drink or drugs);

Section 6 (Driving, or being in charge, with blood-alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit);

Section 8 (Breath tests);

Section 17 (Reckless, and dangerous, cycling);

Section 18 (Careless, and inconsiderate, cycling);

Section 19 (Cycling when under influence of drink or drugs);

Section 21 (Restriction on carriage of persons on bicycles);

Section 24 (Leaving vehicles in dangerous positions);

Section 25 (Duty to stop, and furnish particulars, in case of accident);

Section 29 (Penalisation of tampering with motor vehicles);

Section 30 (Penalisation of holding or getting on to vehicle in order to be towed or carried);

Section 84 (Drivers of motor vehicles to have driving licences);

Section 99 (Offence of obtaining licence, or driving, while disqualified);

Section 143 (Users of motor vehicles to be insured or secured against third-party....);

Section 161 (Power of constables to require production of driving licences and in certain cases statement of date of birth);

Section 162 (Power of constables to obtain names and addresses of drivers, and others, and to require production of evidence of insurance or security and test certificates);

Section 166 (Duty of driver, in case of accident involving injury to another, to produce evidence of insurance or security or to report accident). Sections of Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1967—

Section 54 (Traffic signs);

Section 55 (Powers and duties of highway authorities as to placing of traffic signs);

Section 61 (Removal of traffic signs, etc.).

Part IIProvisions in respect of which certain officers of the Authority have the powers of a constable

Sections of Road Traffic Act, 1972—

Section 22 (Drivers to comply with traffic directions);

Section 159 (Power of police to stop vehicles). Section of Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967—

Section 58 (Emergency traffic signs).

Schedule 3Repeals

EnactmentSection or ArticleMarginal noteExtent of repeal
Medway Lower Navigation Act, 18024Proprietors, with Consent of the Justices in Quarter Sessions, may alter or rebuild Aylesford Bridge; but they are to provide a Ferry while the Passage over the Bridge is obstructedThe whole section.
5For making a Collateral CutThe whole section.
7Materials not to be got from Lands on the East Side of the River below Aylesford BridgeThe words "or to dig, take, or carry away any Clay Gravel, or other Materials ".
73Reserving certain Rights of the Company of Proprietors, etc.The whole section.
Medway Lower Navigation Act, 182460Saving Rights of Commissioners of SewersThe whole section.
64Reserving certain Rights of the Medway Navigation CompanyThe whole section.
An Act passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of Queen Victoria intituled " An Act for improving the Navigation of Faversham Creek in the County of Kent"The whole Act so far as it is not already repealed.
An Act passed in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of Queen Victoria intituled "An Act to Extend the Powers and Provisions of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled 'An Act for improving the Navigation of Faversham Creek, in the County of Kent' "The whole Act so far as it is not already repealed.
The Queenborough Harbour Act, 1876The whole Act so far as it is not already repealed.
The Maidstone Bridge Act, 187718Provision for increasing depth of water in the Medway with certain consentsThe whole section.
The Medway Conservancy Act, 1881The whole Act, except sections 4, 86 and 136.
The Milton Creek Conservancy Act, 1899The whole Act, except the definition of " Milton Creek "insection 3 and sections 109 and 110.
The Upper Medway Navigation and Conservancy Act, 191147For the protection of the AdmiraltyThe whole section.
The Faversham Navigation Act, J 951The whole Act so far as it is not already repealed.
The Pier and Harbour Order (Sheerness) Confirmation Act, 1958The whole Act so far as it is not already repealed.
The Medway Conservancy Act, 1963The whole Act so far as it is not already repealed.
The Port of London Act, 1968211Amendment of Medway Conservancy Act, 1963The whole section.
The Medway Ports Reorganisation Scheme, 19683InterpretationIn paragraph (1), the definitions of " charges ", " dues ", " duties of customs or excise ", the harbour master ", " hovercraft", " level of high water ", " the Medway approach area ", " owner ", " port facilities " and " statutory securities ".
4Incorporation of enactmentsSub-paragraph (iv) of the proviso to paragraph (l) and paragraph (2).
5Incorporation of Medway Ports AuthorityIn paragraph (1), the words from " for " to the end of the paragraph.
9Transfer of powers and dutiesThe whole article.
10Transfer of property, rights and liabilities of CommissionersThe whole article.
11Transfer of Company's undertakingThe whole article.
12Transfer of property, rights and liabilities of Medway ConservatorsThe whole article.
13Transfer of property, rights and liabilities of Milton ConservatorsThe whole article.
14Transfer of property, rights and liabilities of Queenborough-in-Sheppey CorporationThe whole article.
15Service contracts not to be transferredThe whole article.
17Consideration for transfer of Company's navigationThe whole article.
18Repayment of loan charges to Queenborough-in-Sheppey CorporationThe whole article.
19Payments by Authority to Queenborough-in-Sheppey CorporationThe whole article.
20Payment of interestThe whole article.
21Recovery and apportionment of debts of Queenborough-in Sheppey CorporationThe whole article.
22Carrying on of undertakings of transferring authoritiesThe whole article.
24Terminal audit of accountsThe whole article.
25Dissolution of Commissioners and ConservatorsThe whole article.
26Compensation to directors of CompanyThe whole article.
27Payment of dividends and interest by CompanyThe whole article.
28Winding up of CompanyThe whole article.
29Receipt for payments to CompanyThe whole article.
35General duties of AuthorityParagraph (1) and, in paragraph (2), the words " under this article ".
36Jurisdiction of AuthorityThe whole article.
37Harbour master's powersThe whole article.
38Power to appropriate lands and works for particular trades etc.The whole article.
39Power to lease etc.The whole article.
40Use of warehouses as bonded warehousesThe whole article.
41Authority may issue certificates of deposited goodsThe whole article.
42Liability for safety of goodsThe whole article.
43Power to remove goodsThe whole article
44Power to give directions as to loading or unloading of certain goodsThe whole article
45Obstruction of harbour master and othersThe whole article
46Power to dredgeThe whole article
47Powers with respect to disposal of wrecksThe whole article
48Protection of Crown interests in wrecksThe whole article.
49Authority may contract for policeThe whole article.
50Powers of interrogation, removal and searchThe whole article.
51As to buoys in the SwaleThe whole article.
52Charges on certain floating articlesThe whole article.
53Charges for services and facilitiesThe whole article.
54Conditions relating to payment of chargesThe whole article.
55As to payment of chargesThe whole article.
56Penalty for evading payment of chargesThe whole article.
57Claims for repayment of chargesThe whole article.
58Payment of charges on warehoused goodsThe whole article.
59Deposit for chargesThe whole article.
60Recovery of chargesThe whole article.
61Borrowing powersThe whole article.
62Temporary borrowingThe whole article.
63Saving for powers of TreasuryThe whole article.
64Power to charge interest to capitalThe whole article.
65Reserve fundThe whole article.
66General insurance fundThe whole article.
68Gratuities etc.The whole article.
69Accounts and auditThe whole article.
72General byelawsThe whole article.
73Byelaws as to lights and signalis etc.The whole article.
74Byelaws relating to certain dangerous goodsThe whole article.
75Confirmation of byelaws and fines thereunderThe whole article.
77Removal of vehiclesThe whole article.
78Crown rightsThe whole article.
79Crown right of accessThe whole article.
80Saving for Trinity HouseThe whole article.
81Repeal, amendment and application of enactmentsParagraphs (1), (2) and (3) and, in paragraph (4), the words "(not being an enactment specified in Schedule 2 to this Scheme)".
86Adjustment of property, rights and liabilitiesThe whole article.
87Saving for labour schemeThe whole article.
88Saving for Queenborough FisheryThe whole article.
89For protection of Kent River AuthorityThe whole article.
90For protection of South Eastern Gas BoardThe whole article.
91 Schedule 2Costs of SchemeThe whole article. The whole schedule.
The Medway Ports (Borrowing Powers) Revision Order, 1972The whole order.