
Schedule 2Provisions applied to dock roads

Part IProvisions in respect of which certain officers of the Authority do not have the powers of a constable

Sections of Road Traffic Act, 1972—

Section 1 (Causing death by reckless or dangerous driving);

Section 2 (Reckless, and dangerous, driving generally);

Section 3 (Careless, and inconsiderate, driving);

Section 4 (Driving under age);

Section 5 (Driving, or being in charge, when under influence of drink or drugs);

Section 6 (Driving, or being in charge, with blood-alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit);

Section 8 (Breath tests);

Section 17 (Reckless, and dangerous, cycling);

Section 18 (Careless, and inconsiderate, cycling);

Section 19 (Cycling when under influence of drink or drugs);

Section 21 (Restriction on carriage of persons on bicycles);

Section 24 (Leaving vehicles in dangerous positions);

Section 25 (Duty to stop, and furnish particulars, in case of accident);

Section 29 (Penalisation of tampering with motor vehicles);

Section 30 (Penalisation of holding or getting on to vehicle in order to be towed or carried);

Section 84 (Drivers of motor vehicles to have driving licences);

Section 99 (Offence of obtaining licence, or driving, while disqualified);

Section 143 (Users of motor vehicles to be insured or secured against third-party....);

Section 161 (Power of constables to require production of driving licences and in certain cases statement of date of birth);

Section 162 (Power of constables to obtain names and addresses of drivers, and others, and to require production of evidence of insurance or security and test certificates);

Section 166 (Duty of driver, in case of accident involving injury to another, to produce evidence of insurance or security or to report accident). Sections of Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1967—

Section 54 (Traffic signs);

Section 55 (Powers and duties of highway authorities as to placing of traffic signs);

Section 61 (Removal of traffic signs, etc.).

Part IIProvisions in respect of which certain officers of the Authority have the powers of a constable

Sections of Road Traffic Act, 1972—

Section 22 (Drivers to comply with traffic directions);

Section 159 (Power of police to stop vehicles). Section of Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967—

Section 58 (Emergency traffic signs).