The Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Regulations 2011

Regulation 37


This schedule has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

Table 1

Tariff name

Sources of energy or technology

Installation capacity



Small commercial biomassSolid biomass including solid biomass contained in municipal solid waste and CHPLess than 200kWth

Tier 1: 7.9

Tier 2: 2.0

Medium commercial BiomassAs above200kWth and above up to but not including 1MWth

Tier 1: 4.9

Tier 2: 2.0

Large commercial biomassAs above1MWth and above1.0

Small commercial

heat pumps

Ground source heat pump, water source heat pump, deep geothermalLess than 100kWth4.5
Large commercial heat pumpsAs above100kWth and above3.2
All Solar collectorsSolar collectorsBelow 200kWth8.5
Biomethane and biogas combustionBiomethane injection and biogas combustionAll biomethane injection and biogas combustion below 200kWth6.8