The Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Regulations 2011

Reporting obligations

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

53.—(1) The Authority must provide to the Secretary of State monthly reports in such manner and form as the Secretary of State may request containing the following information, as applicable—

(a)in respect of each accredited RHI installation accredited during the period covered by the report—

(i)such of the information specified in Schedule 1 as the Authority may hold and the Secretary of State may require regarding the accredited RHI installation,

(ii)details of the plant it has replaced, if any,

(iii)the total amount of periodic support payments made in respect of the accredited RHI installation during the period covered by the report,

(iv)the total amount of heat in kWhth for which periodic support payments were made and the eligible purposes and the industry sector for which it was used,

(v)sustainability information provided in accordance with Schedule 2;

(b)in respect of each participant registered as a producer of biomethane during the period covered by the report—

(i)the total amount of periodic support payments made to each participant,

(ii)the volume of biomethane produced for injection by each participant, and

(iii)sustainability information provided in accordance with Schedule 2;

(c)such other information as the Authority may hold in relation to its functions under these Regulations as the Secretary of State may require.

(2) The first monthly report must cover the period from the commencement of these Regulations and ending with 31st December 2011 and each subsequent monthly report must cover each subsequent month and must be sent to the Secretary of State within 10 working days of the end of that month.

(3) The Authority must provide to the Secretary of State quarterly and annual reports in such manner and form as the Secretary of State may request containing the information specified in paragraph (1) in aggregate form both for the period covered by the report and since the date of commencement of the scheme.

(4) The first annual report must be published by 31st July 2013 and must cover the period from the commencement of these Regulations and ending with 31st March 2013, and in each subsequent year the annual report must be published by 31st July in respect of the 12 month period ending with 31st March of that year.

(5) The first quarterly report must be published by 30th April 2012 and must cover the period from the commencement of these Regulations and ending with 31st March 2012, and each subsequent quarterly report must cover each quarterly period and must be published within one month of the end of the relevant quarterly period.

(6) The Authority must publish the following information on its website—

(a)the quarterly and annual reports provided in accordance with this regulation;

(b)current information in aggregate form as to—

(i)the number of accredited RHI installations,

(ii)their technology and installation capacity,

(iii)the amount of heat they have generated,

(iv)the total amount of periodic support payments made under each tariff; and

(c)current information in aggregate form as to—

(i)the number of participants who are producers of biomethane,

(ii)the volume of biomethane produced for injection by those participants, and

(iii)the total amount of periodic support payments made in respect of that biomethane.

(7) For the purposes of this regulation “quarterly period” means the first, second, third or fourth quarter of any year commencing on 1st January.

(8) For the purposes of this regulation “current information” means information which is no more than five days out of date.