Baptismal Registers Measure 1961 1961 No 2

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1. Annotation of entries.

  3. 2. Short certificates of baptism.

  4. 3. Interpretation.

  5. 4. Short title.


      1. Part I

        1. Certificate showing re-registration of birth, produced to me this day...

        2. (signed)

        3. Officiating Minister

        4. Officer in charge of diocesan record office or as the...

        5. Diocesan Registrar

      2. Part II Certificate of Baptism

        1. I hereby certify from the records of the parish of...

        2. (signed)

        3. Rector, vicar, curate, minister of

        4. or

        5. Chief Officer of the diocesan record office of the Diocese...

        6. or

        7. Registrar of the Diocese of

        8. The particulars to be inserted in the numbered spaces of...

        9. (1) The name of the parish or other place of...

        10. (2) The Christian names of the baptised person as recorded...