Ordination of Women (Financial Provisions) Measure 1993

8 Finance and administration.E

(1)The Board shall administer the system of benefits established by this Measure, and the Commissioners shall pay to the Board out of their general fund such sums as are required by the Board for the payments to be made by it under this Measure.

(2)The Board shall carry out its functions under this Measure in consultation with the Commissioners and in accordance with such directions of a general character as the Commissioners may give; and where the Commissioners give any directions under this subsection they shall as soon as practicable cause a report thereon to be laid before the General Synod.

(3)Directions given by the Commissioners under subsection (2) above may include directions which appear to them to be requisite or expedient for securing a due balance between the liabilities likely to be imposed on their general fund by virtue of sections 2 and 5 of this Measure and the resources of that fund available for meeting those liabilities.