Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007 (Appointed Day Instrument 2007)

Church Instruments

2007 No. 3

Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007 (Appointed Day Instrument 2007)

Whereas the Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure received the Royal Assent on the thirtieth day of October 2007.

And Whereas by section 66(2) of the said Measure it is provided that the said Measure shall come into force on such day as the Archbishops of Canterbury and York may jointly appoint and that different days may be appointed for different provisions

And Whereas no provisions of the said Measure have yet been brought into force

Now therefore WE ROWAN DOUGLAS by Divine Providence Archbishop of Canterbury and JOHN TUCKER MUGABI SENTAMU by Divine Providence Archbishop of York do hereby jointly appoint that the following provisions of the said Measure shall come into force on the following dates:

  • On the first day of January 2008:

    • Section 1

    • Section 51

    • Subsections (1), (2) and (3) of section 62

    • Subsection (1) of section 63 so far as it relates to paragraph 7(b) of Schedule 5

    • Subsection (5) of section 63

    • Section 66

    • Paragraph 7(b) of Schedule 5

  • On the first day of February 2008:

    • Section 52

    • Section 61

    • Subsection (5) of section 62

    • Section 64

    • Section 65 so far as it relates to the provisions in Schedule 7 to come into force on the same date

    • Schedule 3

    • Schedule 6

    • The repeals by Schedule 7 relating to the following provisions:

      • Section 1 of the Pastoral Measure 1983, Schedule 1 to that Measure and paragraphs 5–12 of Schedule 5 to that Measure

      • Section 11(e) of the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1995

      • Section 2(4) and (5) of the Synodical Government (Amendment) Measure 2003

  • On the thirty–first day of March 2008:

    • Sections 47–50

    • Subsection (4) of section 63

  • On the eleventh day of June 2008:

    • Sections 23–46

    • Sections 53–60

    • Subsections (4) and (6) of section 62

    • Subsection (1) of section 63 so far as it is not already in force and subsections (2)and (3) of section 63

    • Section 65 so far as it relates to the provisions of Schedule 7 to come into force on the same date

    • Schedule 4

    • Schedule 5 so far as it is not already in force

    • Schedule 7 so far as it relates to the following provisions:

      • Section 15 of the Faculty Jurisdiction Measure 1964

      • Sections 2, 41, 45 and 87(1) of the Pastoral Measure 1983 and paragraphs 1–4 of Schedule 5 to that measure

      • Section 20(1) of the Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990

      • Section 31(1) of the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991

      • Section 1 of the Pastoral (Amendment) Measure 1994

      • Section 6(1) of the Care of Places of Worship Measure 1999

      • Section 2(3) of the Synodical Government (Amendment) Measure 2003

      • Paragraphs 10 and 13 of schedule 4 to the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2005.