The Sheriff Court Fees Order 2018

Scottish Statutory Instruments

2018 No. 81

Sheriff Court

The Sheriff Court Fees Order 2018


23rd February 2018

Laid before the Scottish Parliament

27th February 2018

Coming into force in accordance with article 1

The Scottish Ministers make the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by section 107(1) and (2) of the Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014(1) and all other powers enabling them to do so.

Citation, commencement and effect

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Sheriff Court Fees Order 2018 and, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), comes into force on 25th April 2018.

(2) Article 3(1)(b) and schedule 2 come into force, and article 3(1)(a) and schedule 1 cease to have effect, on 1st April 2019.

(3) Article 3(1)(c) and schedule 3 come into force, and article 3(1)(b) and schedule 2 cease to have effect, on 1st April 2020.


2.  In this Order—

“extract decree” includes any duly authenticated extract of an order made by the sheriff in respect of any licence, appointment, discharge or like matter;

“minute” means a minute in terms of rule 14.2 of the Ordinary Cause Rules;

“motion” means—


a written motion to which Chapter 15 of the Ordinary Cause Rules applies;


a written motion to which Chapter 15A of those Rules applies; or


a written motion made in an undefended family action in terms of Chapter 33 of those Rules in which no notice of intention to defend has been lodged;

“Ordinary Cause Rules” means the Ordinary Cause Rules 1993(2);

“partner” means a person to whom a person is married or with whom the person is in a civil partnership;

“sheriff clerk” includes the Sheriff Clerk of Chancery, the Commissary Clerk of Edinburgh and sheriff clerk depute;

“summary cause” has the meaning assigned to it by section 35(1) of the Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1971(3); and

“writ” means any document containing written pleadings relating to proceedings in the sheriff court and includes an inventory of estate, a precept of arrestment on a liquid document of debt, a notice of intention to defend and a notice of appearance lodged in an action of multiplepoinding under rule 35.8 of the Ordinary Cause Rules.

Fees payable in sheriff courts

3.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3) and articles 4 to 13—

(a)the fees payable in a sheriff court—

(i)in respect of the matters specified in column 1 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1 (table of fees payable from 25th April 2018) are the fees specified in relation to those matters in column 2 of that Table; and

(ii)in respect of the matters specified in column 1 of the Table of Fees in Part 2 of that schedule (table of fees payable from 25th April 2018) are the fees specified in relation to those matters in column 2 of that Table;

(b)the fees payable in a sheriff court—

(i)in respect of the matters specified in column 1 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 2 (table of fees payable from 1st April 2019) are the fees specified in relation to those matters in column 2 of that Table; and

(ii)in respect of the matters specified in column 1 of the Table of Fees in Part 2 (table of fees payable from 1st April 2019) of that schedule are the fees specified in relation to those matters in column 2 of that Table; and

(c)the fees payable in a sheriff court—

(i)in respect of the matters specified in column 1 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 3 (table of fees payable from 1st April 2020) are the fees specified in relation to those matters in column 2 of that Table; and

(ii)in respect of the matters specified in column 1 of the Table of Fees in Part 2 of that schedule (table of fees payable from 1st April 2020) are the fees specified in relation to those matters in column 2 of that Table.

(2) The fees payable under this Order are to be paid to the sheriff clerk or the auditor of court.

(3) The fees provided for by this Order are not payable by the Crown in the enforcement of the criminal law or in the exercise of powers or the performance of duties arising out of or relating to that enforcement.

(4) No act is required of the sheriff clerk or the auditor of court in connection with a matter specified in relation to any fee prior to—

(a)the payment of that fee; or

(b)an arrangement being entered into for payment of that fee.

Certain fees payable only once

4.  The fees payable in respect of the following matters are payable on one occasion only in respect of a cause—

(a)the matters specified in paragraphs 5, 24, 25 and 28 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3; and

(b)the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Table of Fees in Part 2 of schedule 1, 2 or 3.

Matters included in certain fees

5.—(1) The following matters include, where appropriate, issue of an extract decree—

(a)the matters specified in paragraphs 1, 5 to 8, 16 and 23 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3; and

(b)the matters specified in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Table of Fees in Part 2 of schedule 1, 2 or 3.

(2) The matter specified in paragraph 13 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 includes, where appropriate, the issue of extracts and the issue of an abbreviate.

(3) The matter specified in paragraph 5 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 does not include, in the case of an application for registration or renewal of registration of a club or miners’ welfare institute under the Gambling Act 2005(4), the registration or renewal of registration upon such application.

Fees payable in the Sheriff Personal Injury Court

6.—(1) The fees specified in the Table of Fees in Part 2 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 apply only in relation to proceedings in the Sheriff Personal Injury Court(5).

(2) Paragraph (3) applies where a matter is specified both in the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 (sheriff court) and in the Table of Fees in Part 2 of that schedule (Sheriff Personal Injury Court).

(3) The fee specified in the Table of Fees in Part 2 shall apply, and the corresponding fee in Part 1 shall not be payable in relation to proceedings in the Sheriff Personal Injury Court.

Cases in which an extra fee is payable

7.—(1) When a summary cause or simple procedure case(6) is remitted to the ordinary cause roll, the fees payable in paragraphs 5 and 23 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 become payable in respect of the cause by the persons who would have been required to pay them if the cause had been from its commencement an ordinary cause, less the amount of any fee previously paid by the person concerned in respect of the cause.

(2) When any commissary proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings or proceedings under section 4 of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995(7) are opposed, the fees specified in paragraphs 5 and 23 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 become payable in respect of the proceedings by the persons who would have been required to pay them if the proceedings had been from their commencement proceedings to which those paragraphs applied, less the amount of any fee previously paid by the person concerned in respect of the proceedings.

Exemption of certain persons from fees: legal aid

8.  A fee specified by this Order is not payable by a person if—

(a)the person is in receipt of civil legal aid within the meaning of section 13(2) of the Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986(8) in respect of the matter in the Table of Fees in Part 1 or Part 2 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 in connection with which the fee is payable;

(b)the fee is payable in connection with a simplified divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership application and the person is in receipt of advice and assistance from a solicitor under the Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986 in respect of that application; or

(c)the person’s solicitor is undertaking work in relation to the matter in the Table of Fees in Part 1 or Part 2 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 in connection with which the fee is payable on the basis of any regulations made under section 36(1) of the Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986 providing for legal aid in a matter of special urgency.

Exemption of certain persons from fees: social security

9.—(1) A fee specified by this Order is not payable by a person if—

(a)the person or the person’s partner is in receipt of income support under the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992(9);

(b)the person is in receipt of an income-based jobseeker’s allowance under the Jobseekers Act 1995(10);

(c)the person or the person’s partner is in receipt of guarantee credit under the State Pension Credit Act 2002(11);

(d)the person or the person’s partner is in receipt of working tax credit, provided that—

(i)child tax credit is being paid to the party, or otherwise following a claim for child tax credit made jointly by the members of a couple (as defined in section 3(5A) of the Tax Credits Act 2002(12)) which includes the party; or

(ii)there is a disability element or severe disability element (or both) to the tax credit received by the party;

and that the gross annual income taken into account for the calculation of the working tax credit is £18,000 or less;

(e)the person or the person’s partner is in receipt of income-related employment and support allowance under the Welfare Reform Act 2007(13);

(f)the person is in receipt of universal credit under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012(14); or

(g)the person or the person’s partner has, within the period of 3 months prior to the date the specified fee would be payable but for this exemption, received financial or other assistance under the Welfare Funds (Scotland) Act 2015(15).

Exemption in connection with estate exempt from inheritance tax

10.  Where the estate of a deceased person is exempt from inheritance tax by virtue of section 153A (death of emergency service personnel etc.), 154 (death on active service etc.) or 155A (death of constables and service personnel targeted because of their status) of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984(16), there will be no fee payable in respect of the inventory of that estate under paragraph 3(a), (b) or (c) of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3.

Exemptions relating to particular proceedings

11.—(1) The fees provided for by this Order do not apply to—

(a)any application under—

(i)section 129 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974(17) (time orders);

(ii)the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003(18); or

(iii)any enactment relating to registration of births, marriages or civil partnerships; or

(b)any application or appeal under the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011(19).

(2) Except in relation to the fee specified in paragraph 34 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3, the fees otherwise payable by a debtor or creditor in terms of this Order do not apply to any proceedings under the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987(38) or the Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Act 2002(20).

Exemptions for applicants for certain interdicts and orders

12.—(1) The fees provided for by this Order are not payable by a person applying for a specified interdict or for an exclusion order.

(2) In this article—

(a)“specified interdict” means an interdict or interim interdict that is—

(i)a matrimonial interdict within the meaning of section 14(2) of the Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981(21) (interdict competent where spouses live together);

(ii)a domestic interdict within the meaning of section 18A of that Act(22) (meaning of “domestic interdict”);

(iii)a relevant interdict under section 113(2) of the Civil Partnership Act 2004(23) (civil partners: competency of interdict); or

(iv)otherwise an interdict in respect of which there is an application for a power of arrest to be attached under section 1 of the Protection from Abuse (Scotland) Act 2001(24) (attachment of power of arrest to interdict); and

(b)“exclusion order” means an exclusion order under—

(i)section 4 of the Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981(25) (exclusion orders);

(ii)section 76 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995(26) (exclusion orders etc.); or

(iii)section 104 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (exclusion orders).

(3) The exemption in paragraph (1) does not apply to a person applying for a principal remedy other than a specified interdict or exclusion order.

Exemption of certain motions from fees: jury trials in the Sheriff Personal Injury Court

13.  The fees specified in paragraph 29 of the Table of Fees in Part 1 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 and in paragraph 1 of the Table of Fees in Part 2 of schedule 1, 2 or 3 are not payable in respect of motions under the following rules of the Ordinary Cause Rules—

(a)rule 36B.2(2)(b) (motion for a proof);

(b)rule 36B.2(6) (motion for approval of proposed issue);

(c)rule 36B.2(7) (motion for approval of proposed counter-issue); and

(d)rule 36B.10 (motion for application of verdict).


14.  The Sheriff Court Fees Order 2015(27) is revoked.


Authorised to sign by the Scottish Ministers

St Andrew’s House,


23rd February 2018

Article 3(1)(a)


PART 1Sheriff court

Payable from 25th April 2018

Column 1Column 2Column 3
(Matters)(Fee Payable)(Fee Formerly Payable)(28)
1. Petition for—

appointment of executor;


restriction of caution;


special warrant;


sealing up of repositories or the like;


appointment of Commissary factor.

(NOTE: the fee for all petitions in paragraph 1 includes issue of extract decree).
2. Sealing up repositories or the like, per hour.3130

Receiving and examining inventory of estate, except where sub-paragraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph applies—


where the amount of the estate vested in or belonging beneficially to the deceased, of which confirmation is required, or for which resealing under the Colonial Probates Act 1892 is required does not exceed—

£50,000;No feeNo fee

where the amount of the estate exceeds £250,000;


receiving and examining additional or corrective inventory of estate or inventory of estate ad non executa


where the amount of the estate vested in or belonging beneficially to the deceased, of which confirmation is required, or for which resealing under the Colonial Probates Act 1892 is required does not exceed—

£50,000;No feeNo fee

where the amount of the estate exceeds £250,000;


Receiving and examining inventory of estate where it is declared that confirmation is not required.

The fees payable are 50% of those specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph. If confirmation is subsequently required the remaining 50% of the fees specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) are payableThe fees payable are 50% of those specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph. If confirmation is subsequently required the remaining 50% of the fees specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) are payable
4. Commissary copying and extracting.
(1) Issuing certificate of confirmation—

if ordered when lodging inventory, each certificate;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


first certificate, including search fee;


each subsequent certificate.

(2) Copy or duplicate confirmation—1312

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


duplicate confirmation, including search fee;


each subsequent duplicate confirmation if ordered at the same time as the duplicate confirmation in head (i).

(3) Certified extract confirmation and will (if any)—2524

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


certified extract, including search fee;


each subsequent certified extract if ordered at the same time as the certified extract in head (i).

(4) Copy will—87

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


copy will, including search fee;


each subsequent copy will if ordered at the same time as the copy will in head (i).




Initial Writ
5. Initial writ in any proceedings not being proceedings for which any other paragraph of this Table specifies a fee. (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).127120
6. European Order for payment in terms of EU Regulation 1896/2006 – application for European Order for payment.127120
Divorce and dissolution of civil partners
7. Initial writ in an action of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership (other than a simplified divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership application). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).153150
Application for simplified divorce and simplified dissolution of civil partnership123120
8. Any application (inclusive of all procedures other than those specified at paragraphs 9 and 38). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).
9. Subsequent application upon change of circumstances by party.3130
Summary warrant7371
10. Application for summary warrant.
11. Petition for sequestration of estates or petition for recall of award of sequestration.
12. Miscellaneous applications, including appeals under the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985 or the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 2016(29).6059
13. No fee.-36(30)
Declarator and petitions for completion of title for the Sheriff of Chancery
14. Application for declarator and petition for completion of title to the Sheriff of Chancery.232227
15. Issue of chancery extract.109107
Summary cause/simple procedure
16. Summons for summary cause or claim form for simple procedure case (NOTE: includes European small claim procedure and fee covers issue of extract decree or issue of decision)—

actions for payment of money of £200 or less (or 250 euros for European small claims);


other actions;


on the marking of an appeal or the sending of an appeal form to the sheriff court.

Criminal procedure3736
17. Complaint.
Road Traffic Offenders Act 19889189
18. Petition for removal of disqualification.
19. Application under section 4 of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.
20. Caveat.4336
21. Any proceedings under section 12 or 18 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.2524
22. Note in a liquidation or judicial factory.3736
Defender’s responses
23. First writ, reponing note, application for recall of decree or attendance to state a defence or oppose an interim order (fee payable by each defender or compearer) (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree)—

in proceedings to which paragraph 5 of this Table applies;


in an action of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership (other than a simplified divorce or dissolution of civil partnership).

Civil court procedure
Payable by pursuer
24. Lodging of a certified copy record under the Ordinary Cause Rules (NOTE: fee payable only once in respect of a cause).116113
25. Lodging of a certified closed record under the additional procedure of the Ordinary Cause Rules.116113
26. Fixing, allocating or assigning of a proof, a debate or a hearing in a summary or miscellaneous application on the merits of the cause.5554
27. For each day or part thereof of proof, debate or hearing in a summary or miscellaneous application on the merits of the cause (NOTE: not payable if the proof, debate or hearing does not proceed on that day).232227
28. Initial lodging of affidavits in a family action where proof by affidavit evidence has been allowed.6866
Payable by any party (including pursuer)
29. Lodging of a written motion or minute and the lodging of any written opposition to any such motion or minute (NOTE: where a minute is accompanied by a relevant written motion no fee is payable in respect of lodging the motion).4948
30. Marking an appeal to the sheriff principal in any proceedings (other than as provided for in paragraph 16(c) of this Table).116113
Sheriff court books2524
31. Recording protest of a bill or promissory note (NOTE: Extracts to be charged as in paragraph 36 of this Table).
32. Preservation of deeds, each deed (NOTE: This includes recording and engrossing. If extracts are required, a separate fee is to be charged as in paragraph 36 of this Table).1312
Miscellaneous office procedures7371
33. Lodging each set of plans or other Parliamentary deposit.
34. Inspection of report of auction and the auditor of court’s report.1918
35. Search and report service as instructed by a trade protection society, licensed credit reference agency or trade publication of protests of relevant court records as appropriately included in the Ordinary Cause Rules, with the fees below payable in advance—354346
weekly for 12 months.
36. Recording, engrossing, extracting, printing or copying of all documents, except as provided for at paragraph 4 of this Table (exclusive of search fee)—

by photocopying or otherwise producing a printed or typed copy—


up to 10 pages;


each page or part thereof in excess of 10 pages;


for a copy of each document in electronic form.

(NOTE: Recording in Sheriff Court Register of Deeds to be charged as in paragraph 31.)
37. Any search of records or archives, except as provided for at paragraph 4 of this Table, per 30 minutes or part thereof.—1312
In addition, correspondence fee where applicable.1312
38. Citation of, or intimation to, any person or persons by sheriff officer as instructed by the sheriff clerk.13 plus sheriff officer’s fee12 plus sheriff officer’s fee
39. Taxing accounts of expenses incurred in judicial proceedings remitted to the auditor of court for taxation—

lodging account for taxation;


taxing accounts of expenses etc.—


up to £400;


for every additional £100 or part thereof.

(NOTE: Fee to be determined by auditor of court on amount of account as submitted.)

cancellation of diet of taxation—

50% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph50% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph

where written notice of cancellation received from receiving party after 4.00 pm on the fourth working day before the day of diet of taxation;


where written notice of cancellation received from receiving party after 4.00 pm on the second working day before the day of the diet of taxation.

75% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph75% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph

PART 2Sheriff Personal Injury Court

Payable from 25th April 2018

Column 1Column 2Column 3
(Matters)(Fee Payable)(Fee Formerly Payable)(31)
1. Lodging of a written motion or minute and the lodging of any written opposition to any such motion or minute. (NOTE: where a minute is accompanied by a relevant written motion no fee is payable in respect of lodging the motion.)5554
2. Fixing, allocating or assigning of a proof or trial, a debate or a hearing on the merits of the cause.6059
3. Hearing fee: per 30 minutes or part thereof.7977
4. Lodging a certified copy closed record. (NOTE: fee payable only once in respect of a cause).109107
5. Initial writ. (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).219214
6. Lodging defences (fee payable by each defender or compearer). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).219214

7. Citation of a civil jury.

(NOTE: includes outlays incurred in citing and countermanding, and is payable on the lodging of a proposed issue for jury trial.)

8. Certified copy of a document.1918

Article 3(1)(b)


PART 1Sheriff court

Payable from 1st April 2019

Column 1Column 2Column 3
(Matters)(Fee Payable)(Fee Formerly Payable)(32)
1. Petition for—

appointment of executor;


restriction of caution;


special warrant;


sealing up of repositories or the like;


appointment of Commissary factor.

(NOTE: the fee for all petitions in paragraph 1 includes issue of extract decree).
2. Sealing up repositories or the like, per hour.3231

Receiving and examining inventory of estate, except where sub-paragraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph applies—


where the amount of the estate vested in or belonging beneficially to the deceased, of which confirmation is required, or for which resealing under the Colonial Probates Act 1892 is required does not exceed—

£50,000;No feeNo fee

where the amount of the estate exceeds £250,000;


receiving and examining additional or corrective inventory of estate or inventory of estate ad non executa


where the amount of the estate vested in or belonging beneficially to the deceased, of which confirmation is required, or for which resealing under the Colonial Probates Act 1892 is required does not exceed—

£50,000;No feeNo fee

where the amount of the estate exceeds £250,000;


Receiving and examining inventory of estate where it is declared that confirmation is not required.

The fees payable are 50% of those specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph. If confirmation is subsequently required the remaining 50% of the fees specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) are payableThe fees payable are 50% of those specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph. If confirmation is subsequently required the remaining 50% of the fees specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) are payable
4. Commissary copying and extracting.
(1) Issuing certificate of confirmation—

if ordered when lodging inventory, each certificate;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


first certificate, including search fee;


each subsequent certificate.

(2) Copy or duplicate confirmation—1313

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


duplicate confirmation, including search fee;


each subsequent duplicate confirmation if ordered at the same time as the duplicate confirmation in head (i).

(3) Certified extract confirmation and will (if any)—2625

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


certified extract, including search fee;


each subsequent certified extract if ordered at the same time as the certified extract in head (i).

(4) Copy will—88

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


copy will, including search fee;


each subsequent copy will if ordered at the same time as the copy will in head (i).




Initial Writ
5. Initial writ in any proceedings not being proceedings for which any other paragraph of this Table specifies a fee. (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).129127
6. European Order for payment in terms of EU Regulation 1896/2006 – application for European Order for payment.129127
Divorce and dissolution of civil partners
7. Initial writ in an action of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership (other than a simplified divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership application). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).156153
Application for simplified divorce and simplified dissolution of civil partnership125123
8. Any application (inclusive of all procedures other than those specified at paragraphs 9 and 38). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).
9. Subsequent application upon change of circumstances by party.3231
Summary warrant7473
10. Application for summary warrant.
11. Petition for sequestration of estates or petition for recall of award of sequestration.
12. Miscellaneous applications, including appeals under the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985 or the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 2016(33).6160
13. No fee.--
Declarator and petitions for completion of title for the Sheriff of Chancery
14. Application for declarator and petition for completion of title to the Sheriff of Chancery.237232
15. Issue of chancery extract.111109
Summary cause/simple procedure
16. Summons for summary cause or claim form for simple procedure case (NOTE: includes European small claim procedure and fee covers issue of extract decree or issue of decision)—

actions for payment of money of £300 or less (or 250 euros for European small claims);


other actions;


on the marking of an appeal or the sending of an appeal form to the sheriff court.

Criminal procedure3837
17. Complaint.
Road Traffic Offenders Act 19889391
18. Petition for removal of disqualification.
19. Application under section 4 of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.
20. Caveat.4443
21. Any proceedings under section 12 or 18 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.2625
22. Note in a liquidation or judicial factory.3837
Defender’s responses
23. First writ, reponing note, application for recall of decree or attendance to state a defence or oppose an interim order (fee payable by each defender or compearer) (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree)—

in proceedings to which paragraph 5 of this Table applies;


in an action of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership (other than a simplified divorce or dissolution of civil partnership).

Civil court procedure
Payable by pursuer
24. Lodging of a certified copy record under the Ordinary Cause Rules (NOTE: fee payable only once in respect of a cause).118116
25. Lodging of a certified closed record under the additional procedure of the Ordinary Cause Rules.118116
26. Fixing, allocating or assigning of a proof, a debate or a hearing in a summary or miscellaneous application on the merits of the cause.5655
27. For each day or part thereof of proof, debate or hearing in a summary or miscellaneous application on the merits of the cause (NOTE: not payable if the proof, debate or hearing does not proceed on that day).237232
28. Initial lodging of affidavits in a family action where proof by affidavit evidence has been allowed.6968
Payable by any party (including pursuer)
29. Lodging of a written motion or minute and the lodging of any written opposition to any such motion or minute (NOTE: where a minute is accompanied by a relevant written motion no fee is payable in respect of lodging the motion).5049
30. Marking an appeal to the sheriff principal in any proceedings (other than as provided for in paragraph 16(c) of this Table).118116
Sheriff court books2625
31. Recording protest of a bill or promissory note (NOTE: Extracts to be charged as in paragraph 36 of this Table).
32. Preservation of deeds, each deed (NOTE: This includes recording and engrossing. If extracts are required, a separate fee is to be charged as in paragraph 36 of this Table).1313
Miscellaneous office procedures7473
33. Lodging each set of plans or other Parliamentary deposit.
34. Inspection of report of auction and the auditor of court’s report.1919
35. Search and report service as instructed by a trade protection society, licensed credit reference agency or trade publication of protests of relevant court records as appropriately included in the Ordinary Cause Rules, with the fees below payable in advance—361354
weekly for 12 months.
36. Recording, engrossing, extracting, printing or copying of all documents, except as provided for at paragraph 4 of this Table (exclusive of search fee)—

by photocopying or otherwise producing a printed or typed copy—


up to 10 pages;


each page or part thereof in excess of 10 pages;


for a copy of each document in electronic form.

(NOTE: Recording in Sheriff Court Register of Deeds to be charged as in paragraph 31.)
37. Any search of records or archives, except as provided for at paragraph 4 of this Table, per 30 minutes or part thereof.—1313
In addition, correspondence fee where applicable.1313
38. Citation of, or intimation to, any person or persons by sheriff officer as instructed by the sheriff clerk.13 plus sheriff officer’s fee13 plus sheriff officer’s fee
39. Taxing accounts of expenses incurred in judicial proceedings remitted to the auditor of court for taxation—

lodging account for taxation;


taxing accounts of expenses etc.—


up to £400;


for every additional £100 or part thereof.

(NOTE: Fee to be determined by auditor of court on amount of account as submitted.)

cancellation of diet of taxation—

50% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph50% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph

where written notice of cancellation received from receiving party after 4.00 pm on the fourth working day before the day of diet of taxation;


where written notice of cancellation received from receiving party after 4.00 pm on the second working day before the day of the diet of taxation.

75% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph75% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph

PART 2Sheriff Personal Injury Court

Payable from 1st April 2019

Column 1Column 2Column 3
(Matters)(Fee Payable)(Fee Formerly Payable)(34)
1. Lodging of a written motion or minute and the lodging of any written opposition to any such motion or minute. (NOTE: where a minute is accompanied by a relevant written motion no fee is payable in respect of lodging the motion.)5655
2. Fixing, allocating or assigning of a proof or trial, a debate or a hearing on the merits of the cause.6160
3. Hearing fee: per 30 minutes or part thereof.8179
4. Lodging a certified copy closed record. (NOTE: fee payable only once in respect of a cause).111109
5. Initial writ. (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).223219
6. Lodging defences (fee payable by each defender or compearer). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).223219

7. Citation of a civil jury.

(NOTE: includes outlays incurred in citing and countermanding, and is payable on the lodging of a proposed issue for jury trial.)

8. Certified copy of a document.1919

Article 3(1)(c)


PART 1Sheriff court

Payable from 1st April 2020

Column 1Column 2Column 3
(Matters)(Fee Payable)(Fee Formerly Payable) (35)
1. Petition for—

appointment of executor;


restriction of caution;


special warrant;


sealing up of repositories or the like;


appointment of Commissary factor.

(NOTE: the fee for all petitions in paragraph 1 includes issue of extract decree).
2. Sealing up repositories or the like, per hour.3332

Receiving and examining inventory of estate, except where sub-paragraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph applies—


where the amount of the estate vested in or belonging beneficially to the deceased, of which confirmation is required, or for which resealing under the Colonial Probates Act 1892 is required does not exceed—

£50,000;No feeNo fee

where the amount of the estate exceeds £250,000;


receiving and examining additional or corrective inventory of estate or inventory of estate ad non executa


where the amount of the estate vested in or belonging beneficially to the deceased, of which confirmation is required, or for which resealing under the Colonial Probates Act 1892 is required does not exceed—

£50,000;No feeNo fee

where the amount of the estate exceeds £250,000;


Receiving and examining inventory of estate where it is declared that confirmation is not required.

The fees payable are 50% of those specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph. If confirmation is subsequently required the remaining 50% of the fees specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) are payableThe fees payable are 50% of those specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph. If confirmation is subsequently required the remaining 50% of the fees specified in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) are payable
4. Commissary copying and extracting.
(1) Issuing certificate of confirmation—

if ordered when lodging inventory, each certificate;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


first certificate, including search fee;


each subsequent certificate.

(2) Copy or duplicate confirmation—1313

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


duplicate confirmation, including search fee;


each subsequent duplicate confirmation if ordered at the same time as the duplicate confirmation in head (i).

(3) Certified extract confirmation and will (if any)—2726

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


certified extract, including search fee;


each subsequent certified extract if ordered at the same time as the certified extract in head (i).

(4) Copy will—88

if ordered when lodging inventory;


if ordered subsequent to lodging inventory—


copy will, including search fee;


each subsequent copy will if ordered at the same time as the copy will in head (i).




Initial Writ
5. Initial writ in any proceedings not being proceedings for which any other paragraph of this Table specifies a fee. (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).132129
6. European Order for payment in terms of EU Regulation 1896/2006 – application for European Order for payment.132129
Divorce and dissolution of civil partners
7. Initial writ in an action of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership (other than a simplified divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership application). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).159156
Application for simplified divorce and simplified dissolution of civil partnership128125
8. Any application (inclusive of all procedures other than those specified at paragraphs 9 and 38). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).
9. Subsequent application upon change of circumstances by party.3332
Summary warrant7574
10. Application for summary warrant.
11. Petition for sequestration of estates or petition for recall of award of sequestration.
12. Miscellaneous applications, including appeals under the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985 or the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 2016(36).6261
13. No fee.--
Declarator and petitions for completion of title for the Sheriff of Chancery
14. Application for declarator and petition for completion of title to the Sheriff of Chancery.242237
15. Issue of chancery extract.113111
Summary cause/simple procedure
16. Summons for summary cause or claim form for simple procedure case (NOTE: includes European small claim procedure and fee covers issue of extract decree or issue of decision)—

actions for payment of money of £300 or less (or 250 euros for European small claims);


other actions;


on the marking of an appeal or the sending of an appeal form to the sheriff court.

Criminal procedure3938
17. Complaint.
Road Traffic Offenders Act 19889593
18. Petition for removal of disqualification.
19. Application under section 4 of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.
20. Caveat.4544
21. Any proceedings under section 12 or 18 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.2726
22. Note in a liquidation or judicial factory.3938
Defender’s responses
23. First writ, reponing note, application for recall of decree or attendance to state a defence or oppose an interim order (fee payable by each defender or compearer) (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree)—

in proceedings to which paragraph 5 of this Table applies;


in an action of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership (other than a simplified divorce or dissolution of civil partnership).

Civil court procedure
Payable by pursuer
24. Lodging of a certified copy record under the Ordinary Cause Rules (NOTE: fee payable only once in respect of a cause).120118
25. Lodging of a certified closed record under the additional procedure of the Ordinary Cause Rules.120118
26. Fixing, allocating or assigning of a proof, a debate or a hearing in a summary or miscellaneous application on the merits of the cause.5756
27. For each day or part thereof of proof, debate or hearing in a summary or miscellaneous application on the merits of the cause (NOTE: not payable if the proof, debate or hearing does not proceed on that day).242237
28. Initial lodging of affidavits in a family action where proof by affidavit evidence has been allowed.7069
Payable by any party (including pursuer)
29. Lodging of a written motion or minute and the lodging of any written opposition to any such motion or minute (NOTE: where a minute is accompanied by a relevant written motion no fee is payable in respect of lodging the motion).5150
30. Marking an appeal to the sheriff principal in any proceedings (other than as provided for in paragraph 16(c) of this Table).120118
Sheriff court books2726
31. Recording protest of a bill or promissory note (NOTE: Extracts to be charged as in paragraph 36 of this Table).
32. Preservation of deeds, each deed (NOTE: This includes recording and engrossing. If extracts are required, a separate fee is to be charged as in paragraph 36 of this Table).1313
Miscellaneous office procedures7574
33. Lodging each set of plans or other Parliamentary deposit.
34. Inspection of report of auction and the auditor of court’s report.1919
35. Search and report service as instructed by a trade protection society, licensed credit reference agency or trade publication of protests of relevant court records as appropriately included in the Ordinary Cause Rules, with the fees below payable in advance—368361
weekly for 12 months.
36. Recording, engrossing, extracting, printing or copying of all documents, except as provided for at paragraph 4 of this Table (exclusive of search fee)—

by photocopying or otherwise producing a printed or typed copy—


up to 10 pages;


each page or part thereof in excess of 10 pages;


for a copy of each document in electronic form.

(NOTE: Recording in Sheriff Court Register of Deeds to be charged as in paragraph 31.)
37. Any search of records or archives, except as provided for at paragraph 4 of this Table, per 30 minutes or part thereof.—1313
In addition, correspondence fee where applicable.1313
38. Citation of, or intimation to, any person or persons by sheriff officer as instructed by the sheriff clerk.13 plus sheriff officer’s fee13 plus sheriff officer’s fee
39. Taxing accounts of expenses incurred in judicial proceedings remitted to the auditor of court for taxation—

lodging account for taxation;


taxing accounts of expenses etc.—


up to £400;


for every additional £100 or part thereof.

(NOTE: Fee to be determined by auditor of court on amount of account as submitted.)

cancellation of diet of taxation—

50% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph50% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph

where written notice of cancellation received from receiving party after 4.00 pm on the fourth working day before the day of diet of taxation;


where written notice of cancellation received from receiving party after 4.00 pm on the second working day before the day of the diet of taxation.

75% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph75% of fee that would have been payable under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph

PART 2Sheriff Personal Injury Court

Payable from 1st April 2020

Column 1Column 2Column 3
(Matters)(Fee Payable)(Fee Formerly Payable)(37)
1. Lodging of a written motion or minute and the lodging of any written opposition to any such motion or minute. (NOTE: where a minute is accompanied by a relevant written motion no fee is payable in respect of lodging the motion.)5756
2. Fixing, allocating or assigning of a proof or trial, a debate or a hearing on the merits of the cause.6261
3. Hearing fee: per 30 minutes or part thereof.8381
4. Lodging a certified copy closed record. (NOTE: fee payable only once in respect of a cause).113111
5. Initial writ. (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).227223
6. Lodging defences (fee payable by each defender or compearer). (NOTE: fee covers issue of extract decree).227223

7. Citation of a civil jury.

(NOTE: includes outlays incurred in citing and countermanding, and is payable on the lodging of a proposed issue for jury trial.)

8. Certified copy of a document.1919


(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order makes provision for the fees payable in the sheriff court, to the sheriff clerk or the auditor of court (as appropriate).

Article 3 and schedules 1 to 3 specify fee levels payable in a sheriff court in respect of certain matters.

  • The fee levels for the period from 25th April 2018 until 31st March 2019 are given effect by the Tables of Fees in schedule 1.

  • The fee levels for the period from 1st April 2019 until 31st March 2020 are given effect by substituting the Tables of Fees in schedule 1 with the Tables of Fees in schedule 2.

  • The fee levels from 1st April 2020 onwards are given effect by substituting the Tables of Fees in schedule 2 with the Tables of Fees in schedule 3.

Article 3(3) provides that fees are not to be payable by the Crown in the enforcement of the criminal law or in the exercise of powers or the performance of duties arising out of or relating to that enforcement.

Article 3(4) provides that the relevant office holders are not required to do any act in connection with the matter specified in relation to that fee without either prior payment of the fee or entering into an arrangement for payment of the fee.

Article 4 provides that certain fees are payable only once.

Article 5 provides for matters included in certain fees.

Article 6 provides for fees payable in the Sheriff Personal Injury Court.

Article 7 provides for cases in which an extra fee is payable

Articles 8 and 9 provide exemption for certain persons from fees.

Article 10 provides exemption in connection with estates exempt from inheritance tax.

Articles 11 and 12 provides exemption relating to particular proceedings.

Article 13 provides for certain motions in the Sheriff Personal Injury Court to be exempted from fees.

Article 14 revokes the Sheriff Court Fees Order 2015.

A Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared for this Order and placed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre. Copies can be obtained from the Scottish Government Justice Directorate, St Andrews House, Edinburgh EH1 3DG.


The Ordinary Cause Rules 1993 are in schedule 1 of the Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1907 (c.51). Schedule 1 was substituted by S.I. 1993/1956 and was last amended by S.S.I. 2017/186.


See article 2 of the All-Scotland Sheriff Court (Sheriff Personal Injury Court) Order 2015 (S.S.I. 2015/213).


“simple procedure case” is defined in section 72(9) of the Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.


1986 c.47. Section 13(2) was amended by the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990 (c.40), section 74 and schedule 8, paragraph 36(3).


1992 c.4. Section 124, which provides for income support, was amended by the Jobseekers Act 1995 (c.18), section 41 and schedules 2 and 3; the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 (c.30), section 70 and schedule 8, Part IV, paragraph 28; the State Pension Credit Act 2002 (c.16), schedules 2 and 3; the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (c.33), schedule 24; the Welfare Reform Act 2007 (c.5), schedules 3 and 8; the Welfare Reform Act 2009 (c.24), section 3; and the Welfare Reform Act 2012 (c.5), schedule 14.


1995 c.18.


2002 c.16.


2002 c.21. Section 3(5A) was substituted for section 3(5) to (6) by the Civil Partnership Act 2004, schedule 24, paragraph 144(3).


2007 c.5.


2012 c.5.


1984 c.51. Sections 153A and 155A were inserted by, and section 154 was last amended by, section 75 of the Finance Act 2015 (c.11).


1974 c.39. Section 129 was amended by the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987 (c. 18) and the Consumer Credit Act 2006 (c.14).


1981 c.59. Section 14 was amended by the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 (asp 2), section 10(2) and (3) and schedule 3 and by S.S.I. 2006/384, article 6.


Section 18A was inserted by the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 ( asp 2), section 31(3).


2004 c. 33. Section 113 was amended by the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006, schedule 1, paragraph 8 and schedule 3 and by S.S.I. 2006/384, article 10.


2001 asp 14. Section 1 was amended by the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006, section 32(2) and (3).


Section 4 was amended by the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1985 (c.73), section 13(5). By virtue of section 18(3) of the Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981, section 4 applies in certain cases to cohabiting couples.


1995 c.36. There are amendments to section 76 not relevant to this Order.


Column 3 shows the fees which were payable by virtue of Part 1 of schedule 3 of S.S.I. 2015/264 (as substituted by S.S.I. 2016/332) immediately before the coming into force of this schedule.


A fee for application for the approval of composition has previously been applicable.


Column 3 shows the fees which were payable by virtue of Part 2 of schedule 3 of S.S.I. 2015/264 (as substituted by schedule 4 of S.S.I. 2016/332) immediately before the coming into force of this schedule.


Column 3 shows the fees which were payable by virtue of Part 1 of schedule 1 of this Order immediately before the coming into force of this schedule.


Column 3 shows the fees which were payable by virtue of Part 2 of schedule 1 of this Order immediately before the coming into force of this schedule.


Column 3 shows the fees which were payable by virtue of Part 1 of schedule 2 of this Order immediately before the coming into force of this schedule.


Column 3 shows the fees which were payable by virtue of Part 2 of schedule 2 of this Order immediately before the coming into force of this schedule.