The National Health Service (Primary Medical Services Section 17C Agreements) (Scotland) Regulations 2018

Sub-contracting of clinical matters

This section has no associated Policy Notes

33.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) the provider must not sub-contract any of its rights or duties under the agreement in relation to clinical matters unless—

(a)in all cases, it has taken reasonable steps to satisfy itself that—

(i)it is reasonable in all the circumstances; and

(ii)that person is qualified and competent to provide the service; and

(b)it has notified the Health Board of its intention to sub-contract as soon as reasonably practicable before the date on which the proposed sub-contract is intended to come into force.

(2) Sub-paragraph (1)(b) must not apply to an agreement for services with a health care professional for the provision by that person of clinical services.

(3) The notification referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(b) must include—

(a)the name and address of the proposed sub-contractor;

(b)the duration of the proposed sub-contract;

(c)the services to be covered;

(d)the address of any premises to be used for the provision of services; and

(e)in the case of an agreement entered into on or after 22nd December 2010, whether the sub-contractor, if that sub-contractor were a provider, would have sufficient involvement in patient care in terms of section 17CA(3) and (4) of the Act(1).

(4) Following receipt of a notice in accordance with sub-paragraph (1)(b), the Health Board may request such further information relating to the proposed sub-contract as appears to it to be reasonable and the provider must supply such information promptly.

(5) The provider must not proceed with the sub-contract or, if it has already taken effect, must take appropriate steps to terminate it, where, within 28 days of receipt of the notice referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(b), the Health Board has served notice of objection to the sub-contract on the grounds that—

(a)the sub-contract would—

(i)put at serious risk the safety of the provider’s patients; or

(ii)put the Board at risk of material financial loss;

(b)the sub-contractor would be unable to meet the provider’s obligations under the agreement; or

(c)in the case of an agreement entered into on or after 22nd December, if the sub-contractor were a provider, that sub-contractor would not have sufficient involvement in patient care in terms of section 17CA(3) and (4) of the Act.

(6) Where the Health Board objects to a proposed sub-contract in accordance with sub-paragraph (5), it must include with the notice of objection a statement in writing of the reasons for its objection.

(7) Sub-paragraphs (1) and (3) to (6) must also apply in relation to any renewal or material variation of a sub-contract in relation to clinical matters.

(8) Where a Health Board does not object to a proposed sub-contract under sub-paragraph (5), the parties to the agreement will be deemed to have consented to a variation of the agreement which has the effect of adding to the list of practice premises any premises whose address was notified to it under sub-paragraph (3)(d) and paragraph 61 must not apply.

(9) A contract with a sub-contractor must prohibit the sub-contractor from sub-contracting the clinical services it has agreed with the provider to provide.

(10) The provider, if it has a provider’s list of patients, must not sub-contract any of its rights or duties under the agreement in relation to the provision of essential services to a company, partnership or limited liability partnership—

(a)owned wholly or partly by the provider or a party to the agreement, or by any former or current employee of the provider, or any partner or member of a party to the agreement;

(b)formed by or on behalf of the provider or a party to the agreement, or from which the provider or a party to the agreement derives or may derive a pecuniary benefit; or

(c)formed by or on behalf of a former or current employee of the provider, or a partner or member of a party to the agreement, or from which such a person derives or may derive a pecuniary benefit,

where that company, partnership or limited liability partnership is or was formed wholly or partly for the purpose of avoiding the restrictions on the sale of goodwill of a medical practice in section 35 of the Act(2) or any regulations made wholly or partly under that section.


Section 17CA was inserted by section 38 of the Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2010 (asp 3).


Section 35 was substituted by section 34(2) of the National Health Service (Primary Care) Act 1997 (c.46) and amended by paragraph 1 of schedule 1 of the 2004 Act.