

CHAPTER 9Exclusions from meetings

Action where person excluded

8.36.—(1) In this rule and rules 8.37 and 8.38, an “excluded person” means a person who has taken all steps necessary to attend a virtual meeting or has been permitted by the convener to attend a physical meeting remotely under the arrangements which—

(a)have been put in place by the convener of the meeting; but

(b)do not enable that person to attend the whole or part of that meeting.

(2) Where the chair becomes aware during the course of the meeting that there is an excluded person, the chair may—

(a)continue the meeting;

(b)declare the meeting void and convene the meeting again; or

(c)declare the meeting valid up to the point where the person was excluded and adjourn the meeting.

(3) Where the chair continues the meeting, the meeting is valid unless—

(a)the chair decides in consequence of a complaint under rule 8.38 to declare the meeting void and hold the meeting again; or

(b)the court directs otherwise.

(4) Without prejudice to paragraph (2), where the chair becomes aware during the course of the meeting that there is an excluded person, the chair may, at the chair’s discretion and without an adjournment, declare the meeting suspended for any period up to 1 hour.