The Insolvency (Scotland) (Receivership and Winding up) Rules 2018


This section has no associated Policy Notes

5.42.—(1) The appointment of the special manager does not take effect until the person appointed has found (or, if the court allows, undertaken to find) caution for the appointment to be given to the applicant.

(2) A person appointed as special manager may find caution either specifically for a particular winding up, or generally for any winding up in relation to which that person may be appointed as special manager.

(3) The amount of the caution must be not less than the value of the business or property in relation to which the special manager is appointed, as estimated in the applicant’s report under rule 5.41 which accompanied the application for appointment.

(4) When the special manager has found caution for the appointment to be given to the applicant that person must lodge with the court a certificate as to the adequacy of the caution.

(5) The cost of finding the caution must be paid in the first instance by the special manager; but—

(a)where a winding-up order is not made, the special manager is entitled to be reimbursed out of the property of the company, and the court may order accordingly; and

(b)where a winding-up order is made, the special manager is entitled to be reimbursed as an expense of the liquidation.