

CHAPTER 3Membership and formalities of formation of a committee

Termination of membership

10.11.  A person’s membership of a committee is automatically terminated if that person—

(a)becomes bankrupt or that person’s estate is sequestrated, as the case may be, in which case the trustee in bankruptcy or the trustee in the sequestration replaces the person bankrupt or sequestrated as a member of the committee;

(b)grants a trust deed for the benefit of creditors;

(c)makes a composition with creditors;

(d)is a person to whom a moratorium under a debt relief order applies;

(e)neither attends nor is represented at 3 consecutive meetings (unless it is resolved at the third of those meetings that this rule is not to apply in that person’s case);

(f)has ceased to satisfy the criteria set out in rule 10.4 for eligibility to be a member of the committee;

(g)ceases to be a creditor or is found never to have been a creditor;

(h)ceases to be a contributory or is found never to have been a contributory.