
Regulation 9

SCHEDULE 6Checking consignments of live animals from third countries at border inspection posts: fees

Table 1

Fees for inspecting consignments of live animals from third countries and checking importation documentation at border inspection posts in accordance with regulation 13 of the 2012 Regulations

Column 1

Inspection of type of animal and checking documents

Column 2

Fee (£) per consignment

Poultry and small game birds65
Poultry eggs38
Captive birds64
Live fish, aquatic animals and bees32
Rabbits and rodents29
Other insects, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians26
Pets unaccompanied by a declaration57
Farmed livestock including cattle, sheep, goats, camelids, pigs and wild boar146
Animals not covered by any other category mentioned above55
Transhipment check of documents52

Table 2

Additional fees for conducting inspections and checks as mentioned in Table 1 when carried out during certain periods

Column 1

Period when inspection and check conducted

Column 2

Fee (£)

Out of hours inspection or check140 per load
Inspection or check during a weekend or a public holiday185 per load
Time spent by a veterinary officer travelling to and from premises16 per quarter hour or part quarter hour spent, up to a maximum of 64

Table 3

Fees for extra inspection checks due to non-compliances or additional control measures

Column 1

Person undertaking extra inspection checks

Column 2

Fee (£) per quarter hour or per part quarter hour spent

Veterinary Officer – out of hours checks17
Veterinary officer – checks during a weekend or a public holiday23
Veterinary officer – checks at all other times11
Time spent by a veterinary officer travelling to and from premises16, up to a maximum of 64