
PART 2Administration

Scheme actuary and employer cost cap

Employer cost cap

101.—(1) The employer cost cap for the Scheme is 15.5% of pensionable earnings of members of the Scheme.

(2) Where the cost of the Scheme, calculated following a valuation in accordance with Treasury directions under section 11(2) of the Public Service Pensions Act 2013, is more than the margins specified in the Public Service Pensions (Employer Cost Cap) Regulations 2014(1) above or below the employer cost cap, the Scottish Ministers must follow the procedure specified in paragraph (3) for reaching agreement with administering authorities, employers and members (or representatives of employers and members) as to the steps required to achieve the target cost specified in those Regulations.

(3) The procedure specified for the purposes of section 12(6)(a) of the Public Service Pensions Act 2013 is consultation for such period as the Scottish Ministers consider appropriate with the Scheme Advisory Board with a view to reaching an agreement endorsed by all members of that Board.

(4) If, following such consultation, agreement is not reached within 3 months of the date on which the consultation period ends, the Scottish Ministers must take steps to adjust the rate at which benefits accrue under regulation 23(4) or (5) (active member’s pension accounts) so that the target cost for the Scheme is achieved.