
PART 1Membership, contributions and benefits

Preliminary Provisions

Citation, commencement and effect

1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2018, and come into force on 1st June 2018.

(2) Regulations 18(7), 26(8), 29(11), 30(2), 40(13), 58(2), the definitions of “Club Memorandum”, “Club transfer” and “revaluation adjustment” in schedule 1 and paragraph 6 of schedule 5 have effect from 1st April 2015.

(3) Regulation 54(2) has effect from 5th April 2016.

(4) Regulation 56(2) and (4) has effect from 31st March 2016.


2.—(1) These Regulations establish a scheme for the payment of pensions and other benefits to or in respect of persons employed by Scheme employers referred to in these Regulations as “the Scheme”.

(2) The scheme manager responsible for the local administration of pensions and other benefits payable under these Regulations is referred to in these Regulations as the “administering authority”.

(3) The Scottish Ministers may, after consultation with the Scheme actuary, issue actuarial guidance to administering authorities.

(4) Schedule 1 (interpretation) contains definitions of expressions used in these Regulations which apply for their interpretation unless the context indicates that they have a different meaning.