
Articles 3(2) and 4

SCHEDULEApplications for certificates: table of fees

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3



Issue of a phytosanitary certificate for the export of grain.


Pre-export laboratory testing of grain.

£70.00 per hour or any part thereof
2Pre-planting testing for the presence of potato cyst nematodes of one soil sample from a field, or part thereof, comprising not more than 4 hectares, or from a glass-house or container.£40.00

Pre-export inspection of, and issue of a phytosanitary certificate for the export of, a consignment of bulbs (where the value of the consignment is more than £250.00), malt barley or oil seed rape, where an inspection at the premises of the grower is necessary.


Issue of a second or subsequent phytosanitary certificate for the export of such a consignment, where no additional inspection is required.


Pre-export laboratory testing for malt barley or oil seed rape.

£70.00 per hour or any part thereof

Pre-export inspection of, and the issue of a phytosanitary certificate for the export of, a consignment of bulbs, ware potatoes, other plants and plant products (other than those mentioned in another entry of this table), where an inspection at the premises of the grower is necessary—


where the value of the consignment is less than or equal to £250.00;


where the value of the consignment is more than £250.00.


Issue of a second or subsequent phytosanitary certificate for the export of a consignment of equal or lesser value to that mentioned in paragraph (a) of this entry, where an inspection is carried out at the same location on the same day.


Pre-export inspection of, and the issue of a phytosanitary certificate for the export of, used agricultural machinery to ensure that any machinery is free of any trace of soil or plant debris.


Issue of a second or subsequent phytosanitary certificate for the export of used agricultural machinery of equal or lesser value to that mentioned in paragraph (a) of this entry, where an inspection is carried out at the same location on the same day.

6Pre-export inspection of, and the issue of a phytosanitary certificate for the export of, a consignment of bulbs, plants and plant products (other than seeds) delivered to the Scottish Government or for botanical research.£35.00
7Issue of a phytosanitary certificate for the export of a consignment containing plant products which are either dried, frozen or processed.£25.00
8Pre-export consignment testing of one soil sample for the presence of potato cyst nematodes and the issue of a phytosanitary certificate for the export of seed potatoes where such testing is necessary.£40.00
9Growing season inspection of—

outdoor plants:


first 0.5 hectares, or part thereof;

£40.00 per day

each additional 0.1 hectare, or part thereof, inspected on the same day as those under (i);


indoor plants:


first 5,000 or part thereof;

£40.00 per day

each additional 1,000, or part thereof, up to a maximum of 70,000 per day, inspected on the same day as those under (i);




first 0.5 hectares. or part thereof;

£40.00 per day

each additional 0.1 hectare, or part thereof, inspected on the same day as those under (i).

10Pre-export testing of potato tuber samples—

for potato brown rot and ring rot:


brown rot visual test;


brown rot latent test;


ring rot latent test;


combined brown rot and ring rot latent test;


for gangrene;


for potato viruses:


growing on test (200 tubers tested for 2 viruses);


growing on test (each additional 50 tubers or part thereof tested for 2 viruses);


testing for additional viruses (200 tubers);

£20.00 (per virus)

testing for additional viruses (each additional 50 tubers or part thereof);

£5.00 (per virus)

direct tuber test (200 tubers tested for 2 viruses);


direct tuber test (each additional 50 tubers or part thereof);

£63.00 (per virus)

testing for additional viruses (200 tubers);

£20.00 (per virus)

testing for additional viruses (each additional 50 tubers or part thereof);

£5.00 (per virus)

leaf sample test (100 leaves tested for 4 viruses);


leaf sample test (each additional 50 leaves or part thereof tested for 4 viruses);


testing for additional viruses (100 leaves);

£10.00 (per virus)

testing for additional viruses (each additional 50 leaves or part thereof).

£5.00 (per virus)
11Pre-export testing for potato spindle tuber viroid.£50.00 per hour or any part thereof
12Any other pre-export laboratory testing, other than seed testing or testing of the commodities listed in entries 1(a) and 3(a) of this table.£45.00 per hour or any part thereof
13Growing crop inspection and pre-export seed testing work and the issue of a phytosanitary certificate in respect of seed samples.£70.00 per hour or any part thereof
14Issue of an IPC document.£25.00
15Issue of a phytosanitary certificate for re-export or a duplicate phytosanitary certificate or a phytosanitary certificate for re-export where the original has been lost, stolen, destroyed or materially damaged.£15.00
16Amending a certificate at the request of the exporter after issue.£15.00