

1.  The Stirling local government area, excluding such lengths of the following trunk roads, in so far as they fall within the Stirling local government area, but not excluding the lengths of trunk road specified in paragraphs 2 to 10—

(a)that length of the A82 from the Stirling local government area boundary with the Argyll and Bute local government area at Inverarnan to the Stirling local government area boundary with the Argyll and Bute local government area north of Tyndrum;

(b)that length of the A84 between Craigforth and Lochearnhead;

(c)that length of the A85 from the Stirling local government area boundary with the Argyll and Bute local government area to the junction with the A82 at Tyndrum; and

(d)that length of the A85 from the junction with the A82 at Crianlarich to the Stirling local government area boundary with the Perth and Kinross local government area at Loch Earn.