
Article 3


1.  The Stirling local government area, excluding such lengths of the following trunk roads, in so far as they fall within the Stirling local government area, but not excluding the lengths of trunk road specified in paragraphs 2 to 10—

(a)that length of the A82 from the Stirling local government area boundary with the Argyll and Bute local government area at Inverarnan to the Stirling local government area boundary with the Argyll and Bute local government area north of Tyndrum;

(b)that length of the A84 between Craigforth and Lochearnhead;

(c)that length of the A85 from the Stirling local government area boundary with the Argyll and Bute local government area to the junction with the A82 at Tyndrum; and

(d)that length of the A85 from the junction with the A82 at Crianlarich to the Stirling local government area boundary with the Perth and Kinross local government area at Loch Earn.

2.  That length of the A82 trunk road at Tyndrum from a point 10 metres or thereby north west of the entrance to Pine Trees Leisure Park continuing in a north westerly direction to a point 25 metres or thereby south east of the junction with the A85 at Tyndrum, a distance of 735 metres or thereby.

3.  That length of the A84 trunk road at Buchany from a point adjacent to the north west boundary line of Cambus Cottage, Buchany, continuing in a south easterly direction to a point 108 metres south east of the entrance to the Antiques & Craft Centre, Carse of Cambus, a distance of 663 metres or thereby.

4.  That length of the A84 trunk road at Callander from a point 1,020 metres or thereby southeast of the southeast junction with Menteith Crescent, continuing in a northwesterly direction for a distance of 2,742 metres or thereby.

5.  That length of the A84 trunk road at Doune from a point 17 metres or thereby north west of the north west kerbline of the entrance to the council storage yard, continuing in a south easterly and then southerly direction over the River Teith to a point adjacent to the rear of Chain Lodge, a distance of 1,251 metres or thereby.

6.  That length of the A84 trunk road at Kilmahog from a point 573 metres or thereby southeast of the junction with the A821, continuing in a northwesterly direction for a distance of 1,219 metres or thereby.

7.  That length of the A84 trunk road at Strathyre from a point 14 metres to the north side of the Creagan Cottages, continuing in a southerly direction for a distance of 1,477 metres or thereby.

8.  That length of the A84/A85 trunk road at Lochearnhead, from a point 210 metres or thereby north of the Kendrum Bridge, continuing in a northerly direction to a point 310 metres or thereby northwest of its junction with the A85 Perth to Lochearnhead Trunk Road, a distance of 870 metres or thereby.

9.  That length of the A85 trunk road at Lochearnhead from a point 1,253 metres or thereby east of the centreline of the Ogle Burn, continuing in a westerly direction to the junction with the A84/A85 Stirling to Crianlarich trunk road, a distance of 1,403 metres or thereby.

10.  That length of the A85 trunk road known as Main Street, Crianlarich, from the A85/A82 roundabout, continuing in a south easterly direction to a point 97 metres or thereby north west of the west kerbline of the entrance to the Ben More Lodge Hotel, a distance of 1,029 metres or thereby.