The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber (Procedure) Regulations 2017

Application to adjust recoverable rent
This section has no associated Policy Notes

80.  Where a landlord or tenant makes an application under section 31(2) (adjustment, with respect to services and furniture, of recoverable rent for statutory periods before registration) of the 1984 Act, the application must—


(i)the name, address and registration number (if any) of the landlord;

(ii)the name, address and profession of any representative of the landlord;

(iii)the name and address of the tenant; and

(iv)the name, address and profession of any representative of the tenant;

(b)be accompanied by a copy of the tenancy agreement (if available) or, if this is not available, as much information about the tenancy as the landlord or tenant can give; and

(c)be signed and dated by the landlord or tenant or a representative of the landlord or tenant.