
SCHEDULEThe First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber Rules of Procedure 2017

PART 3Procedure in respect of private rented applications

CHAPTER 6Procedure in respect of assured tenancy applications

Application to determine removal expenses

67.  Where a landlord and tenant cannot agree the amount payable by the landlord to the tenant under section 22(1) of the 1988 Act, either the landlord or the tenant may make an application under section 22(2) (payment of removal expenses in certain cases) of the 1988 Act and the application must—


(i)the name, address and registration number (if any) of the landlord;

(ii)the name, address and profession of any representative of the landlord;

(iii)the name and address of the tenant;

(iv)the name, address and profession of any representative of the tenant; and

(v)the details of the tenant’s claim for expenses, reasons for disagreement and proposals for settlement; and

(b)be signed and dated by the landlord or tenant or a representative of the landlord or tenant.