
SCHEDULEThe First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber Rules of Procedure 2017

PART 3Procedure in respect of private rented applications

CHAPTER 12Procedure in respect of private residential tenancy applications

Application to draw up terms of tenancy where statutory term is unlawfully displaced

106.  Where a person makes an application under section 14(2) (to draw up terms where statutory term is unlawfully displaced) of the 2016 Act, the application must—


(i)the name, address and registration number (if any) of the tenant or landlord;

(ii)the name, address and profession of any representative of the tenant or landlord;

(iii)the name and address of the other party to the private residential tenancy;

(iv)which of the statutory terms the tenant considers has been displaced; and

(v)the reasons why the tenant considers the statutory term has been displaced;

(b)be accompanied by—

(i)a copy of the written terms of tenancy or, if this is not available, as much information about the tenancy as the person can give; and

(ii)evidence to support that a statutory term has been unlawfully displaced; and

(c)be signed and dated by the tenant or landlord or a representative of the tenant or landlord.