The Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017

This section has no associated Policy Notes

2.—(1) The following parameters (“Group A parameters”) must be monitored at least at the minimum frequencies determined in accordance with the table in paragraph 3:—

(a)Escherichia coli, coliform bacteria, colony count 22 °C, colour, turbidity, taste, odour, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), and conductivity; and

(b)any other parameter, or other micro-organism, parasite or substance, (except radon, tritium and indicative dose) identified as relevant in the monitoring programme—

(i)by virtue of regulation 18(2) (as read with regulation 19(2)(a)); or

(ii)where relevant, through a risk assessment.

(2) Ammonium and nitrite must be included as Group A parameters, if chloramination is used.

(3) Aluminium and iron must be included as Group A parameters, if used as water treatment chemicals.