The Marketing of Fruit Plant and Propagating Material (Scotland) Regulations 2017

Health requirements for certified mother plants and certified material

This section has no associated Policy Notes

23.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), a certified mother plant or certified material must be found free, on the basis of visual inspections of the facilities, fields and lots, of the pests listed in Table IA and Table II in schedule 6 in relation to the particular genus or species concerned and, if there are doubts concerning the presence of those pests, there must be sampling and testing of the certified mother plant or certified material.

(2) The visual inspections mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) may not be conducted during cryopreservation.

(3) The percentage of certified mother plants or certified material which is found, on visual inspection of the facilities, fields and lots, to be infested by the pests listed in column 1 of Table IB in schedule 6, must not exceed the tolerance level set out in respect of those pests in column 2(c) of that Table (certified category) and, if there are doubts concerning the presence of those pests, there must be sampling and testing of the relevant certified mother plant or certified material.

(4) In relation to the genera and species listed in column 1 of the Table in schedule 7, the visual inspection and sampling and testing of certified mother plants and certified material within those genera and species must be carried out in accordance with the requirements set out for the certified category in columns 3 (visual inspections) and 4 (sampling and testing) of that Table.

(5) Without prejudice to sub-paragraph (3), in this paragraph a reference to “sampling and testing” means sampling and testing carried out by or on behalf of the Scottish Ministers and, where appropriate, by the supplier—

(a)in accordance with the appropriate EPPO protocol; and

(b)through submission of samples to laboratories officially accepted by the Scottish Ministers for the purposes of such sampling and testing.