
PART 3Progress meetings

Circumstances in which a progress meeting may be required

22.—(1) The reporting officer for a senior officer who has received a first improvement notice must assess the senior officer’s performance—

(a)at the end of the first improvement period specified in that notice; and

(b)during any part of the validity period specified in that notice which continues after the end of the first improvement period.

(2) The reporting officer must inform the senior officer in writing as to whether, in the reporting officer’s opinion—

(a)there has been a sufficient improvement in the senior officer’s performance by the end of the first improvement period; and

(b)that improvement has been maintained until the end of the validity period.

(3) If the reporting officer is of the opinion that there has been a sufficient improvement in the senior officer’s performance by the end of the first improvement period, the reporting officer must remind the senior officer of the need to maintain that improvement until the end of the validity period.

(4) If the reporting officer is of the opinion that—

(a)the senior officer has failed to make the required improvement in performance by the end of the first improvement period; or

(b)where the required improvement in performance has been made by the end of that period, that improvement has not been maintained until the end of the validity period,

the reporting officer must refer the senior officer to a progress meeting to consider the senior officer’s performance.

(5) If the senior officer’s reporting officer is a constable, the reporting officer must notify the Authority of a referral under paragraph (4).

(6) A progress meeting may consider only—

(a)the unsatisfactory performance referred to in the first improvement notice; and

(b)unsatisfactory performance which is similar to or connected with the unsatisfactory performance referred to in that notice.