The Reservoirs (Scotland) Regulations 2016

Regulation 11(a)


This schedule has no associated Policy Notes

1.  The name (if any) and location of the reservoir.

2.  The maximum volume of water capable of being held in the reservoir.

3.  The reservoir manager’s name, business address, email address and telephone number(s) (including a telephone number for making contact outside normal working hours or in an emergency).

4.  If the reservoir manager is not an individual, the name of an individual who is authorised by the reservoir manager to carry out any action required of the reservoir manager under the Act, together with the individual’s business address, email address and telephone number(s) (including a telephone number for making contact outside normal working hours or in an emergency).

5.  The reservoir owner’s name, business address, email address and telephone number(s) (including a telephone number for making contact outside normal working hours or in an emergency).

6.  To the extent known or readily obtainable by the reservoir manager, any risk designation the reservoir may have had immediately before the date on which it was required to be registered, and the date on which any such designation was given.

7.  To the extent known or readily obtainable by the reservoir manager, the name, business address, email address and telephone number(s) (including a telephone number for making contact outside normal working hours or in an emergency) of any—

(a)construction engineer;

(b)inspecting engineer;

(c)other qualified engineer; or

(d)supervising engineer,

appointed at any time in relation to the reservoir, and the period of any such appointment.

8.  Where applicable—

(a)the date on which the reservoir was last inspected under section 10 of the 1975 Act;

(b)details of any measure recommended in the report of that inspection to be taken in the interests of safety which has not been carried into effect, including the date recommended in the report by which the measure is, or was, to be taken; and

(c)the date by which the next inspection is required under that section.

9.  For each structure or area referred to in section 1(2) of the Act or, as the case may be, for each structure or area in a combination referred to in section 1(3) comprising the reservoir, the—

(a)name (if any);

(b)national grid reference;

(c)status (in use, discontinued, abandoned or under construction);

(d)top water level (in metres above ordnance datum);

(e)surface water area (in square metres) at top water level;

(f)surface water area (in square metres) at dam crest level (if known);

(g)capacity (in cubic metres) at top water level;

(h)capacity (in cubic metres) at dam crest level (if known);

(i)type (impounding, non-impounding or service reservoir); and

(j)purpose(s) for which the reservoir is (or is to be) used.

10.  For each part of a structure or area referred to in section 1(2) of the Act or, as the case may be, for each structure or area in a combination referred to in section 1(3) comprising a dam, reservoir wall or embankment, the—

(a)name (if any);

(b)national grid reference;

(c)materials used to construct it (earth, concrete, masonry, rock fill, other);

(d)type (buttress, embankment, gravity arch, non-gravity arch, service);

(e)maximum height (in metres);

(f)bottom level (in metres above ordnance datum) at ground level;

(g)crest level (in metres above ordnance datum);

(h)crest length (in metres);

(i)escapable volume of water (in cubic metres) at top water level (if available);

(j)escapable volume of water (in cubic metres) at dam crest level (if available);

(k)fetch (namely the effective length of the controlled reservoir, of which the structure or area forms part, over which wind can build up waves) and direction (if available);

(l)year completed; and

(m)maintenance arrangements.