
SCHEDULE 1The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber Rules of Procedure 2016

PART 3Procedure in respect of private rented applications

Procedure in respect of Assured Tenancy References to the First-tier Tribunal

Assured Tenancy References to the First-tier Tribunal

59.—(1) When an assured tenancy reference is made to the First-tier Tribunal, the First-tier Tribunal shall as soon as practicable thereafter serve on the landlord and the tenant a notice specifying a period of not less than 14 days from the service of the notice during which either representations in writing or a request to make oral representations may be made to the First-tier Tribunal by either party.

(2) Where within the period specified in paragraph (1), or such further period as the First-tier Tribunal may allow, the landlord or the tenant requests to make oral representations, the First-tier Tribunal shall give the landlord or the tenant an opportunity of being heard at a hearing in accordance with rule 60 below.

(3) The First-tier Tribunal may make such inquiries as they think fit and consider information supplied or representations made to them relevant to the matters to be determined by them, but shall give the parties adequate opportunity for considering such information and representations and may hold a hearing whether or not the parties have requested one.