
Formation of the JTCJI

4.—(1) The JTCJI is established.

(2) The members of the JTCJI are—

(a)the sheriff principal member of the ACJI;

(b)the convener of each JTAC;

(c)the Director of the Judicial Institute;

(d)the Deputy Director of the Judicial Institute;

(e)a Sheriffdom Legal Adviser;

(f)the person responsible for the overall delivery of judicial education within the Judicial Institute; and

(g)the person responsible for overseeing the delivery of JP training within the Judicial Institute.

(3) The Sheriffdom Legal Adviser must be nominated by the Sheriffdom Legal Advisers to be a member of the JTCJI.

(4) That appointment lasts for 2 years.

(5) At the end of each 2 years, the Sheriffdom Legal Adviser may be reappointed.