
SCHEDULEThe Upper Tribunal for Scotland Rules of Procedure 2016

PART 3Procedure for Cases in the Upper Tribunal

Notice of appeal against a decision of the First-tier Tribunal

3.—(1) A person may lodge with the Upper Tribunal a notice of appeal against a decision of the First-tier Tribunal.

(2) A notice of appeal must —

(a)identify the decision of the First-tier Tribunal to which it relates; and

(b)identify the alleged error or errors of law in the decision.

(3) The appellant must provide with the notice of appeal a copy of—

(a)any written record of the decision being challenged;

(b)any separate written statement of reasons for that decision; and

(c)the notice of permission to appeal or alternatively notice of refusal of permission to appeal from the First-tier Tribunal.

(4) When the Upper Tribunal receives a notice of appeal it must send a copy of the notice and any accompanying documents to each respondent and interested party (if any).

(5) If the appellant lodges the notice of appeal with the Upper Tribunal later than the time required by paragraph (9)—

(a)the notice of appeal must:

(i)include a request for an extension of time;

(ii)explain why the notice of appeal was not provided in time; and

(iii)state why it is said to be in the interests of justice that the time be extended; and

(b)unless the Upper Tribunal extends the time for lodging a notice of appeal the Upper Tribunal may not admit the notice of appeal.

(6) The Upper Tribunal may, where the First-tier Tribunal has refused permission to appeal—

(a)refuse permission to appeal;

(b)give permission to appeal; or

(c)give permission to appeal on limited grounds or subject to conditions;

and must send a notice of its decision to each party and any interested party including reasons for any refusal of permission or limitations or conditions on any grant of permission.

(7) Where the Upper Tribunal, without a hearing—

(a)refuses permission to appeal; or

(b)gives permission to appeal on limited grounds or subject to conditions,

the appellant may make a written application (within 14 days after the day of receipt of notice of the decision) to the Upper Tribunal for the decision to be reconsidered at a hearing.

(8) An application under paragraph (7) must be heard and decided by a member or members of the Upper Tribunal different from the member or members who refused permission without a hearing.

(9) Where the First-tier Tribunal sends a notice of permission or refusal of permission to appeal to a person who has sought permission to appeal, that person, if intending to appeal, must provide a notice of appeal to the Upper Tribunal within 30 days after the day of receipt by that person of the notice of permission or refusal of permission to appeal.