
SCHEDULEThe Upper Tribunal for Scotland Rules of Procedure 2016

PART 4General Powers and Provisions

Orders for expenses

12.—(1) The Upper Tribunal may make an order for expenses as taxed by the Auditor of the Court of Session in proceedings on appeal from the First-tier Tribunal if the First-tier Tribunal had the power to make an order for expenses, and only on the basis on which the First-tier Tribunal had the power to award expenses.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) and without prejudice to that paragraph, the Upper Tribunal may make an order for expenses as taxed by the Auditor of the Court of Session against a party if that party’s act, omission or other conduct has caused any other party to incur expense which it would be unreasonable for that other party to be expected to pay, with the maximum recoverable expenses being the expenses incurred.

(3) The Upper Tribunal, of its own initiative or on the application of a party or the parties, may in exceptional circumstances fix by order a sum payable by a party in discharge of an award of expenses.