
Prohibited fishing and prohibited methods of fishing in the Loch Goil Protected Area

14.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), fishing for sea fish with a dredge, beam trawl, demersal trawl or demersal seine net is prohibited in the Loch Goil Protected Area.

(2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) does not apply to fishing for sea fish from a fishing boat with a gross tonnage of no more than 75 tonnes, with a demersal trawl in the Loch Goil Excepted Area.

(3) Fishing for horse mussels is prohibited in the Loch Goil Protected Area.

(4) In this article—

“Loch Goil Protected Area” means the area described in Part 1 of Schedule 12; and

“Loch Goil Excepted Area” means the area described in Part 2 of Schedule 12.