


Retention of documents by CRO

68.—(1) This rule applies to the following documents(1)—

(a)the packets of counted ballot papers and of rejected ballot papers sealed by the CRO under rule 67(1), the packets of unused and spoilt ballot papers sealed under rule 53(2)(a) and the packets of tendered ballot papers sealed under rule 53(2)(b);

(b)the ballot paper accounts prepared under rule 53(4) and the statements of rejected ballot papers prepared under rule 58(5) and of the result of the verification of the ballot paper accounts prepared under rule 55(7);

(c)the tendered votes lists prepared under rule 49(7), the lists of voters with disabilities assisted by companions prepared under rule 48(4), the lists of votes marked by the presiding officer prepared under rule 47(2) and the related statements prepared under rule 53(2)(f), the lists of persons to whom ballot papers are delivered in consequence of an alteration to the register of electors which takes effect on the day of poll maintained under rule 51, the written declarations made by voters with disabilities under rule 48(1), and the declarations made by the companions of voters with disabilities under rule 48(2)(b);

(d)the packets of the completed corresponding number lists sealed under rule 53(2)(c);

(e)the packets of certificates as to employment on duty on the day of the poll sealed under rule 53(2)(d); and

(f)the packets containing marked copies of polling registers and of lists of proxies sealed under rule 53(2)(e).

(2) The documents specified in paragraph (1) must remain in the CRO’s custody.

(3) The CRO must endorse on each packet—

(a)a description of its contents;

(b)the date of the election to which they relate; and

(c)the name of the constituency in which the votes were given.


By virtue of paragraph 31(3) of Schedule 4, rule 68 (together with rules 67, 69 and 70(1)) also applies to the documents specified in that paragraph.