


Notice of election

Nomination of candidates on a regional list

6.—(1) A registered party’s regional list of candidates to be regional members for a particular region shall be in the form G set out in the Appendix and that party shall be nominated by the submission of that list by the party’s nominating officer or a person authorised in writing by that officer to the RRO at the place or a place fixed under rule 12 for this purpose.

(2) Each regional list shall include the name of the registered party, and, if desired, a description of that party which has been registered under section 28A of the 2000 Political Parties Act(1), and the use of that name and, where applicable, description shall be authorised by a certificate issued by or on behalf of the registered nominating officer of the party in the form H1 set out in the Appendix.

(3) The name of the registered party authorised by the nominating officer in accordance with paragraph (2) may be preceded (disregarding, for this purpose, the word “the” where it is the first word of the name) by the word “Scottish” if that word is not used in the name of the party registered under section 28 of the 2000 Political Parties Act.

(4) If the name of any registered party authorised by the nominating officer has been preceded by the word “Scottish” in accordance with paragraph (3), then these Rules shall apply as if the name of the registered party included that word.

(5) Each regional list shall set out the names and home addresses, in full, of each candidate included in that list and shall be accompanied by a statement of the names by which each such candidate is to be known for the purposes of the election, which may include any forename or surname that the candidate commonly uses.

(6) Each regional list shall include a statement that it is issued by the nominating officer of the registered party in question or by a person authorised in writing by that officer.

(7) Each regional list may be accompanied by a request made by or on behalf of the nominating officer of the party in question that the regional ballot paper shall contain against the party’s name the party’s registered emblem (or, as the case may be, one of the party’s registered emblems).

(8) In the application of this rule and rule 7, in relation to an election—

(a)“registered party” means a party which was registered under Part 2 of the 2000 Political Parties Act on the day which is two days before the last day for the delivery of nomination papers at the election (“the relevant day”); and

(b)a registered party is a qualifying party in relation to a constituency if the party was, on the relevant day, registered in respect of Scotland in the Great Britain register maintained under that Part of that Act.

(9) For the purposes of paragraph (8)(a), any day falling within rule 2 shall be disregarded.


Section 28A was inserted by the 2006 Act, section 49.