The Scottish Parliament (Elections etc.) Order 2015

Correction of procedural errors

This section has no associated Policy Notes

90.—(1) A CRO or RRO may take such steps as that officer thinks appropriate to remedy any act or omission on that officer’s part, or on the part of a relevant person, which—

(a)arises in connection with any function that officer or relevant person has under this Order in relation to the Scottish parliamentary election, and

(b)is not in accordance with the rules or any other requirements applicable to the election.

(2) But a CRO or RRO may not under paragraph (1) re-count the votes given at a Scottish parliamentary election—

(a)for return of a constituency member after the result of the poll for the return of a constituency member has been declared, or

(b)for the return of regional members, after the publication of the statement required by rule 61 of the Scottish Parliamentary Election Rules.

(3) These are the relevant persons—

(a)an ERO;

(b)a presiding officer;

(c)a person providing goods or services to a CRO or RRO;

(d)a depute of any person mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) or a person appointed to assist, or in the course of that person’s employment assisting, such a person in connection with any function that person has in relation to the Scottish parliamentary election under this Order.

(4) Where a CRO or RRO is guilty of an act or omission in breach of that officer’s official duty, but remedies that act or omission in full by taking steps under paragraph (1), that officer shall not be guilty of any offence under article 28(1), but this paragraph shall not affect any conviction which takes place, or any penalty which is imposed, before the date on which the act or omission is remedied in full.