Act of Sederunt (Sheriff Appeal Court Rules) 2015

Procedure for taxation of expenses

19.4.—(1) Where an account of expenses is lodged for taxation, the Clerk must transmit the account and the process to the auditor of court.

(2) The auditor of court must—

(a)fix a taxation hearing no sooner than 7 days after the auditor receives the account;

(b)intimate the date, time and place of the taxation hearing to every party.

(3) If the auditor reserves consideration of the account at the taxation hearing, the auditor must intimate the auditor’s decision to the parties who attended the hearing.

(4) After the account has been taxed, the auditor must transmit the account and the process, together with the auditor’s report, to the Clerk.

(5) Where no objections are lodged under rule 19.5, the Court may grant decree for the expenses as taxed.