
Regulation 7


1.  Arrangements for the admission of pupils to the school.

2.  Any entrance requirements including in relation to any specific categories of pupils.

3.  Name, address, telephone number, email address and any website of the school.

4.  Present roll of the school.

5.  Stages of education provided at the school.

6.  Any denominational affiliation of the school.

7.  Gender of pupils admitted to the school.

8.  The headteacher’s name and the number of other teaching staff at the school.

9.  Arrangements for a parent or partner to visit the school.

10.  Opportunities for parental involvement in the school.

11.  A statement of the school’s educational aims, culture, ethos and values.

12.  Arrangements in place for transitions to and from the school.

13.  Arrangements for when a parent has a concern about a pupil and how these concerns will be dealt with.

14.  The complaints procedure.

15.  Range and level of curriculum provided for pupils of different ages at the school, including available subject options and arrangements for parents to be consulted about such options.

16.  Provision for religious education and arrangements for parents who wish to withdraw their child from the religious education provided at the school.

17.  The school’s policy or practice on homework.

18.  Provision for curricular, personal and careers guidance at the school.

19.  Arrangements for assessing pupils’ progress and reporting this to parents.

20.  Any arrangements made at or in connection with the school for pupils with additional support needs within the meaning of the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004(1).

21.  Extra-curricular activities at the school.

22.  Facilities available at the school for sports and outdoor activities.

23.  The school’s policy or practice on clothing or uniform; the approximate cost of each item of required uniform; and any assistance given with costs.

24.  The school’s policy or practice on discipline; including school rules and the action to be taken by parents and the school in the event of a pupil’s absence.

25.  Arrangements for health care at the school.

26.  Organisation of the school day including time of arrival and dismissal; school term dates and holidays for the forthcoming session.

27.  The school’s policy or practice with regard to mixed ability classes and separating pupils by academic ability.

28.  The school’s policy or practice with regard to entering pupils for public examinations and the following information for the most recent school year for which the information is available—

(a)the number of pupils who attained each band of awards in each public examination, shown separately for each subject and for each stage of secondary education;

(b)the number of pupils in each of the stages of school education concerned, shown separately for each stage, as recorded in the first term of the school year to which the examination results relate.

29.  Arrangements for meals and snacks taken at the school including any assistance given with the costs of these meals or snacks and the facilities at the school for the consumption of packed lunches.

30.  Any arrangements for the transport of pupils to and from the school and any assistance given with the costs of this transport.

31.  Any other financial assistance available under schemes administered by the school.