
Amendment of the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Scotland) Regulations 1989

2.—(1) The National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Scotland) Regulations 1989(1) are amended as follows.

(2) In regulation 3(d) (services exempted from charges) omit from “, but” to “result” inclusive.

(3) In regulation 5 (exemption from charges for treatment the need for which arose during the visit)—

(a)after sub-paragraph (f) insert—

(fa)in Scotland between 7th July and 7th August 2014 inclusive as part of the “Games Family” (in this regulation “Games Family” means the group of individuals who are taking part or are involved in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and who have been given a letter code for the purpose of receiving free treatment the need for which arose during the visit to Scotland).; and

(b)omit sub-paragraph (g).

(4) In Schedule 1 (diseases for the treatment of which no charge is to be made) insert “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” after the entry for ‘Food Poisoning’.

(5) In Schedule 2 (countries or territories in respect of which the United Kingdom Government has entered into a reciprocal agreement)—

(a)omit the following entries—

(b)insert the following entries in the correct place alphabetically—