The Police Service of Scotland (Conduct) Regulations 2014


This section has no associated Policy Notes

8.—(1) A constable may be suspended from the office of constable by a senior constable if an allegation comes to the senior constable’s attention from which it can reasonably be inferred that any conduct of the constable may—

(a)constitute a criminal offence; or

(b)amount to misconduct or gross misconduct.

(2) But a senior constable must not suspend another constable unless at least one of the conditions mentioned in paragraph (3) (“the suspension conditions”) is satisfied.

(3) The suspension conditions are that—

(a)an effective criminal or misconduct investigation may be prejudiced if the constable is not suspended; and

(b)having regard to the nature of the allegation and any other relevant considerations, the public interest requires the constable’s suspension.

(4) A senior constable must notify the suspended constable and the deputy chief constable in writing of any decision to suspend a constable and the reasons for that decision.

(5) A suspension under this regulation—

(a)has effect from the date of the written notice given under paragraph (4); and

(b)must be reviewed by the deputy chief constable—

(i)not more than 4 weeks from that date;

(ii)not more than 4 weeks from the date of the previous review (if any); and

(iii)if the deputy chief constable is notified that circumstances relevant to the suspension conditions may have changed.

(6) In carrying out a review in accordance with paragraph (5)(b), the deputy chief constable must consider any representations made by the suspended constable.

(7) The deputy chief constable may terminate a suspension imposed under paragraph (1) with effect either from the date of the suspension or any other date and must do so if—

(a)the deputy chief constable determines that the suspension conditions are no longer satisfied;

(b)a decision is taken not to proceed with proceedings under these Regulations; or

(c)subject to paragraph (8), proceedings under these Regulations have concluded.

(8) If a constable who is suspended is dismissed with notice, that suspension is to subsist until the end of the notice period.

(9) In this regulation “senior constable” means a constable of a higher rank than the suspended constable.