
PART 6Survivor’s benefits

CHAPTER 6Child pensions

Annual rate of child pension: long-term

148.—(1) The long-term rate of child pension applies—

(a)if a member (D) dies out of service; or

(b)otherwise, when the short-term rate ceases to be payable.

(2) The long-term rate of child pension is—

(3) R is—

(a)37.5%, if a surviving adult pension is payable;

(b)50%, if a surviving adult pension is not payable or has ceased to be payable.

(4) In paragraph (2), “accrued earned pension” is D’s accrued earned pension as at the date of D’s death.

(5) EC is—

(a)2, if a child pension is payable to no more than 2 eligible children; or

(b)the number of eligible children, if a child pension is payable to more than 2 eligible children.