
PART 3Misconduct hearings

Attendance of third parties

21.—(1) Subject to the following paragraphs of this regulation, the misconduct hearing is to be held in private.

(2) Where the misconduct hearing has arisen from a complaint made by a member of the public, the chairing member of the panel may—

(a)inform that member of the public of the time, date and location of that hearing; and

(b)permit that member of the public to attend, as an observer, that hearing, or such part or parts of that hearing as the chairing member considers appropriate.

(3) Where a witness is giving evidence, the chairing member of the panel may allow such other persons to attend the misconduct hearing as seem reasonable by virtue of any special circumstances (and, in particular, a parent or guardian may be allowed to attend where a child is giving evidence).

(4) The chairing member of the panel may, with the agreement of the senior officer, allow any other person to attend the misconduct hearing.

(5) Paragraphs (2) to (4) do not apply to any part of the misconduct hearing at which disciplinary action is being considered.