PART 2Pre-application consultation

Pre-application consultation7


The prospective applicant is to consult as respects a proposed application every community council any part of whose area is within or adjoins the land where the proposed development is situated and in doing so is to give a copy of the proposal of application notice to the community council.


The prospective applicant is to—


hold at least one public event where members of the public may make comments to the prospective applicant as regards the proposed development; and


publish in a local newspaper circulating in the locality in which the proposed development is situated a notice containing—


a description of, and the location of, the proposed development;


details as to where further information may be obtained concerning the proposed development;


the date and place of the public event;


a statement explaining how, and by when, persons wishing to make comments to the prospective applicant relating to the proposal may do so; and


a statement that comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the planning authority and if the prospective applicant submits an application there will be an opportunity to make representations on that application to the planning authority.


A public event held by the prospective applicant in accordance with paragraph (2)(a) is not to be held earlier than 7 days after notification of the date and place of such event is given under paragraph (2)(b)(iii).